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  Monday Night RAW Results – October 23rd, 2017

Kane vs. Finn Bálor


Back from the break and they go at it. Cole mentions Braun may be out of action for several weeks or months. Balor gets sent to the floor early on but he comes right back in and attacks Kane. Kane sends him to the corner. Kane runs into boots as Balor makes a comeback. Balor with a big kick from the apron. Balor gets fired up as fans pop now but he runs right into a big boot from Kane.


Kane works Balor around the ring now. Kane scoops Balor and slams him hard to the mat. Kane with a 2 count. Kane keeps Balor grounded now. Balor comes back and dropkicks Kane through the ropes as he was sent to the floor. Balor with more offense but Kane catches him. Kane drives Balor into the barrier and then the apron. The referee counts. They bring it back in and Balor tries to fight Kane but Kane whips him hard into the corner. Balor goes back down. Kane puts the boot to Balor’s upper chest and keeps him down. Kane keeps control and drops Balor over his knee, keeping him there to focus on the lower back.


Balor ends up on the floor for a breather. Kane follows but Balor drops him into the steel steps. The referee counts as Balor returns to the ring. Kane returns but Balor immediately unloads on him. Balor tries to get Kane off his feet now. Kane catches Balor in mid-air but Balor lands on his feet. Balor with a Slingblade. Balor keeps control and goes to the top but Kane sits up. Kane grabs Balor for a chokeslam but Balor lands on the mat. Kane follows right up and nails the chokeslam. Kane waits a minute before delivering another chokeslam to Balor. Kane stands over Balor and grabs him for a third chokeslam, nailing it in the middle of the ring. Kane covers for the win.

Winner: Kane


After the match, Kane stands tall and looks down at Balor as we go to replays.


Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2017 > October 23rd
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2017 > October 23rd


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