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  WWE NXT UK Results – March 12th, 2020

Commentary welcomes us to another edition of NXT UK. Today’s show takes place from Coventry, England. Finn Balor is here! He enters the ring to a huge ovation from the crowd. Balor says he didn’t come to boost ratings…he came for WALTER. Imperium’s music hits and the faction surround Balor in the ring. He fights them off and escapes before WALTER can get his hands on him.

Main event time. Finn Balor comes out first. Alexander Wolfe is second. No other members of Imperium accompany him at this time. Here we go.

Finn Balor versus Alexander Wolfe

Tie-up. Balor gains position and nails Wolfe with a quick forearm…he tries to force him to the mat. Balor targets the arm and cranks it. Wolfe with an athletic escape…he sunset flips over Balor but Balor rolls through and hits his signature basement dropkick that usually comes off that spot. Crowd is going crazy for Balor. Cobra clutch by Balor. Wolfe gets to the ropes and forces Balor to break the hold. He levels Balor with a cheap shot…Balor shakes it off and unloads some vicious stomps onto Wolfe. He traps Wolfe in the corner and hits a huge chop. Balor rolls up Wolfe for a two count. Balor goes to a corner but Wolfe is on him with body shots.

Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner of Imperium make their way out. They try to get involved but the referee tosses them from ringside as the Coventry fans continue to support Balor, and even shout silly chants about the UK champion WALTER. Balor takes advantage of the opening…he and Wolfe brawl. Balor catches him with an elbow to the neck…then sets up in the corner. Shotgun dropkick connects and Wolfe collides off the turnbuckles hard. Balor to the top…Coup De Grace lands. Balor is not done. He picks up Wolfe and shouts into the hard-cam. 1916. Wolfe can’t kick out.

Finn Balor wins by pinfall

Balor celebrates his victory as commentary asks how WALTER will respond. Wolfe lays in defeat.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > NXT UK > 2020 > March 12th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > NXT UK > 2020 > March 12th


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