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  Monday Night RAW Results – March 12th, 2018

Back from the break and WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz is in the ring for another episode of MizTV. Miz welcomes us and says The Miztourage aren’t with him tonight as they’re preparing for a special opportunity. Miz says they have earned the shot at possibly getting a WrestleMania 34 match. Miz brags about elevating their careers. He goes on to introduce tonight’s guests and says they are the ones he will defeat at WrestleMania in the final hurdle in his quest to become the longest-reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time.

Miz introduces Seth Rollins first and out he comes. Miz tells Rollins to have a seat because this is going to be fun. Miz introduces Finn Balor next and he also comes out to a pop like Rollins. Miz talks about how he and Rollins could have burned it down at WrestleMania as the two top workhorses of the company. Miz says Balor is a great up & comer but he doesn’t have what he and Rollins have. Miz tries to poke Rollins and get him to think Balor is always in his way. Rollins says Miz must think they’re idiots but they’re not, they know what Miz is trying to do here. Miz says Balor might be King… King of the Bingo Halls. Miz says Balor’s WWE record is lacking, bringing up the WWE Universal Title win. Miz says Balor has already proved he’s better than Rollins, so why should he have to prove it again? Balor says Miz just tried this same trick with Rollins, so what makes him think it will work with Balor? Miz must try harder and prove to them that he wants to keep the title.

Miz continues to try and cause issues between his opponents. Rollins tells him to shut up and says they are already fired up for the match. Rollins says he’s going to take the title at WrestleMania but the truth is that Balor doesn’t stand a chance. With all due respect, Balor reminds Rollins what happened the last time they had a title match – Balor beat him with one arm. Rollins accuses Balor of living in the past. Rollins says he’s all about the future and will stomp Balor’s head in the mat to become champion in 4 weeks. Balor says they don’t have to wait 4 weeks, they can do it tonight. Balor drops the mic and stands up for a fight as fans pop. They kick their chairs over and face off in the middle of the ring. Miz watches them and is loving it. They turn their attention to Miz as fans pop. Miz tries to escape but they send him over the top to the floor. Balor turns around and Rollins drops him. Rollins talks some trash, points up at the WrestleMania banner and motions for the title around his waist. Rollins talks some trash and heads up the ramp as Miz looks on.

Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor

They lock up and Rollins backs Balor into the ropes and gives Balor a clean break but Balor pushes Rollins. They lock up again and Balor with a wrist lock but Rollins with a reversal. Balor escapes while Miz watches from the back. Balor with an arm bar. Rollins with a reversal but Balor with a punch to send Rollins to the mat. Balor with a side head lock and Rollins with a back elbow. Rollins with a chop and snap mare followed by a kick to the back. Rollins with jabs in the corner.

Rollins with some kicks and punches in the corner. Rollins with chops to Balor. Rollins with a sunset flip but Balor rolls through and hits a drop kick. Balor sends Rollins to the floor and hits a baseball slide to send Rollins into the ringside barrier. Balor with a running kick from the apron and we go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins with a cravate. Balor gets back to his feet and Rollins takes Balor back to the mat. Balor punches Rollins and Rollins with a head butt. Rollins goes to the floor and he connects with forearms to the back of the neck followed by a running knee to the head. Rollins gets a near fall. Rollins with a reverse chin lock. Rollins works on the neck as Balor gets back to his feet. Balor with punches and forearms. Rolilns with a flatline into the turnbuckles. Rollins misses a springboard move and Balor with a kick and forearms. Balor with a flying forearm.

Balor with a running chop followed by an Irish whip and running chop. Rollins with an Irish whip and Balor floats over. Balor with an enzuigiri followed by an elevated elbow to the chest for a near fall. Balor avoids a clothesline and Rollins with a knee to stop 1916. Balor with punches and foerarms. Rollins with a forearm and Balor with a Pele Kick. Rollins with an enzuigiri and both men are down. Rollins with a thrust kick and he goes for Black Out but Balor moves and gets a near fall with a rollup. Balor with a double leg take down and double stomp followed by Slingblade. Rollins with a super kick and he gets a near fall.

Rollins gets up first and he starts to limp a little. Rollins with a running forearm into the corner. Rollins with a second running forearm into teh corner. Balor avoids a third attempt and he goes to the apron and hits an enzuigiri from the apron. Balor goes up top and Rollins with an elbow to stop Balor. Rollins goes up top for a superplex and Balor blocks it. Balor with elbows to the back of the head. Rollins leaps to the turnbuckles for a superplex but Balor counters the roll through into the Falcon Arrow with an inside cradle for the three count.

Winner: Finn Balor

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > March 12th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > March 12th


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