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  Monday Night RAW Results – June 11th, 2018

We go right to the ring and it’s filled with ladders and Superstars. The Money In the Bank briefcases are shown hanging high above the ring. The red brand MITB competitors are sitting up on the ladders – Natalya, Alexa Bliss, Ember Moon, Sasha Banks, Braun Strowman, Finn Balor, Kevin Owens, Bobby Roode. The music hits and out comes RAW General Manager Kurt Angle to “you suck” chants and a pop.

Angle hypes the matches but the music interrupts and out comes Baron Corbin, the new Constable of RAW. Corbin is dressed for the job. Corbin says he represents RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon and he’s here to make sure RAW runs smoothly. Fans boo. Angle says nothing would make him happier than to see both MITB contracts come back to RAW. Corbin says Stephanie will be highly disappointed if both title shots don’t come back to RAW and we don’t want to do that, do we? Bliss speaks up and tells Corbin not to worry because she will fight through the injury she suffered last week and win. Banks interrupts and Bliss is confused about what kind of injury she suffered. Ember chimes in and they have words but Angle interrupts. Angle says Natalya has been cleared from last week but he asks if she’s ready for the Ladder Match. She says she is and she’s looking forward to facing the soon-to-be RAW Women’s Champion and her friend, Ronda Rousey. Banks says Rousey may be the next champion but she’ll be the one cashing in. They argue some more but Owens interrupts and wants to talk about something important now.

Owens asks about the briefcase being raised because of Strowman’s height when he goes for it. Roode and Owens argue some. Angle confirms the briefcase will not be raised or lowered. Owens sucks up to Corbin and Strowman interrupts as he wants to do something about Owens. Owens asks Corbin how can he impress Stephanie when he’s always being threatened. Strowman says that wasn’t a threat, it was a promise. Strowman yells about taking Owens out and says he will go on to cash in on WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar. The arguing continues until Bliss screams and shuts everyone up, saying they need to calm down because they sound like the Real Housewives of WWE. Bliss says she already knows who will win – her Mixed Match Challenge partner Strowman. Banks believes her MMC partner Finn Balor will win. Balor goes with Banks. The arguing continues until Braun yells out this time. Braun says somebody is going to get these hands on Sunday. Fans pop. Braun’s music hits as everyone looks around from up on the ladders.

Kevin Owens approaches Finn Balor and offers him some olives. It’s a symbol of peace and Owens doesn’t have an olive branch. Owens talks “we” and wants to get Balor on his side for tonight’s Fatal 4 Way. Owens says they fought each other and beat each other up last week and that’s fine because they’re competitors but they have something else in common – they’re former WWE Universal Champions and didn’t get their rematches. Owens says if Braun wins the briefcase and the title, he could hold it forever. Owens says everyone know Balor can’t beat Braun and Owens says he probably can but it will be taxing. Balor wants to know the point of this. Owens goes on and says they should get with Roode and take out Braun. Owens says it doesn’t always have to be every man for himself, maybe it should be man vs. monster tonight. Owens leaves Balor to think it over.

Kevin Owens is backstage with Finn Balor and Bobby Roode, trying to give them advice for taking out Braun Strowman in the main event. Balor asks what makes Owens think they’ve even agreed to work with him. Braun appears, l and has a good idea – why don’t the three of them team up on him? Braun yells and Owens jumps back.

Fatal 4 Way: Finn Balor vs. Braun Strowman vs. Kevin Owens vs. Bobby Roode

Back from the break and out comes Finn Balor for tonight’s main event. Bobby Roode is out next. Out next comes Kevin Owens as the announcers go over the MITB card for Sunday. Braun Strowman is out last.

The bell rings and we see the briefcases high above the ring. Braun splashes Owens in the corner to start. The others are dropped by Braun next. Owens charges but Braun drops him again. Braun with more offense to the other opponents. Owens avoids a shot and rolls to the floor for a breather. Balor also rolls to the floor, as does Roode. Braun looks at them from the ring and stands tall. Owens yells about how they need to stick together. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Braun remains in control. They finally triple team Braun in the corner and beat him down as Owens talks trash. Owens charges with a corner clothesline as Roode and Balor hold him. Braun fights out and fights them off, dropping Balor with a side-slam. Braun clubs Roode back down and turns around to Owens. Braun talks some trash and Owens backs off, retreating to the floor. Braun follows him and Owens begs. Balor comes from behind and drops Braun to one knee at the bottom of the ramp. Braun gets triple teamed at ringside again but he explodes out and sends them flying.

Braun chases Owens up the ramp and Owens runs to the back. Braun brings Owens back out after about 20 seconds as we see Owens come rolling back on the stage. Roode and Balor approach but Braun drops them on the stage. Braun launches Owens off the LED board. Braun knocks over one of the many ladders on the stage. Braun tears apart the announce table now. Braun marches back over to the bodies and scoops Owens but Roode comes with a ladder and rams Braun in the ribs. Balor helps Roode ram Braun with the ladder again. Roode and Balor double team Braun to the announce table now. Owens brings a tall ladder over.

Braun is laid on the table as Owens climbs to the top of the ladder. Owens flies and sends Braun crashing through the table from up high. Fans pop and Owens sells the massive leap as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Owens is suffering from putting Braun through the announce table. Officials are checking on Braun and Owens as Balor goes at it with Roode in the ring now. Roode works on the arm and keeps Balor grounded now. Balor finally fights out and connects with an overhead kick. Both are down as the screen splits for another Rousey vs. Jax MITB promo.

Balor mounts some offense on Roode now as some fans cheer. Balor with a chop in the corner. Balor runs into boots in the corner. Balor ends up knocking Roode out of the ring. Balor looks to fly but Roode shuts him down. Roode ends up hitting the Blockbuster for another 2 count. More back and forth now. Balor rolls Roode up for 2. Balor with a Slingblade. Balor with the corner dropkick now. Balor goes back to the top for Coup de Grace but Owens comes to the apron and shoves him off. Balor rocks Owens off the apron back to the floor. Balor climbs back up but this time Roode cuts him off. Everyone is down once again.

The action continues in the ring as Braun makes his way back to the ring. Braun ends up chasing Owens up the ramp and bringing him back. Strowman floors Owens at ringside. Balor stands up at ringside and Braun just runs over him with a shoulder. Roode also takes a running shoulder on the floor. Braun keeps running around the ring and delivers a big shoulder to Owens next. Braun ends up splashing Roode and Owens at the same time in the corner in the ring now. Balor catches Braun with a boot and goes to the top for a big stomp to the back of the neck. Braun is still standing. Balor runs into a big tackle from Braun. Braun is the only one standing now. Owens with superkicks to Braun now. Owens instructs Roode to hit a Glorious DDT but he turns on Roode and rolls him up for a 2 count. Roode with a Spinebuster on Owens. Balor drops Roode. Balor with a Slingblade to Braun, knocking him down. Braun dropkicks Braun back into the corner. Balor with a Coup de Grace on Braun but the pin is broken. Roode sends Balor into the ring post, causing him to fall to the floor. Roode hits the Glorious DDT on Braun but Owens breaks the pin up. Roode gets sent out by Owens. Owens goes to the top and nails the Frogsplash on Strowman but Braun somehow kicks out. Owens can’t believe it.

Owens brings a ladder into the ring now and rams Braun in the ribs with it. Braun stands and faces Owens. Owens with another ladder shot. Braun catches the third attempt. Braun grabs Owens by the throat and Owens begs him, saying he’s sorry. Braun with a big chokeslam to Owens. Braun hits the running powerslam on top of the ladder and covers Owens for the win.

Winner: Braun Strowman

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > June 11th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > June 11th


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