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  Monday Night RAW Results – September 3rd, 2018

Baron Corbin is backstage on the phone with RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon. Corbin says The Shield has been arrested, The Bellas are back and RAW is on track. Corbin hangs up after thanking Stephanie. Finn Balor appears and he’s all smiles. They have words and Balor says Corbin needs to start acting like a man. Balor wants his rematch with Corbin tonight to find out who the better man really is. Corbin says Balor talks a good game for a little guy but he will shut him up tonight.

Back from the break and we see Finn Balor getting ready backstage. Baron Corbin walks in and has bad news – he’s been so busy tonight and won’t be able to wrestle Balor. Corbin says Balor still has a match and will still be in the main event. His opponent is Braun Strowman. Corbin wishes Balor good luck and walks off.

Braun Strowman vs. Finn Balor

We go to the ring for tonight’s main event and out first comes Finn Balor. Braun Strowman is out next with new RAW Tag Team Champions Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre.

The bell rings and Balor tries to beat on Braun but he just takes it. Braun overpowers and drops Balor. Balor goes for a Sleeper but Braun rams him into the corner. Braun with a big headbutt now. Braun keeps control until they end up on the floor and Balor makes a comeback. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Braun has Balor grounded in the middle of the ring. McIntyre and Ziggler look on from ringside. They go back to the floor and Balor manages to connect with a Slingblade. Balor goes back in and boots Braun when he returns. Braun shoves Balor into the corner but runs into boots. Braun comes right back and smashes Balor in the corner to send him back down.

Balor comes flying out of the corner with a dropkick. Strowman scoops Balor but he counters and goes for another Sleeper hold. Braun backs him into the corner. Braun charges but hits the ring post and tumbles out to the floor. McIntyre and Ziggler check on Braun. Balor runs the ropes and nails a dive, taking all three heels out on the outside. Braun brings Balor back into the ring but Balor kicks him in the head. Balor goes to the top for a Coup de Grace but Braun meets him and grabs him by the neck. Balor fights and goes for another Sleeper, then a bodyscissors. Balor brings Braun to the mat with a triangle.

Braun powers up and slams Balor. Braun keeps control and hits the big powerslam for the pin.

Winner: Braun Strowman

After the match, Braun stands tall as his music hits. McIntyre and Ziggler join Braun in the ring, looking down at Balor. They grab Balor and whip him into another powerslam from Strowman. Fans chant for Balor as he’s tossed out to the floor. McIntyre takes the steel steps apart. They bring Balor over to the steps and go for the Shield-style triple powerbomb but the sirens go off. The heels look around and finally we see the police van from earlier, backing into the arena next to the stage. Braun orders Ziggler and McIntyre back into the ring. WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns hops out of the driver’s side. Reigns opens the back doors and here comes Dean Ambrose with WWE Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins. The Shield’s music hits as they march to the ring. McIntyre, Ziggler and Strowman wait for a fight.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > September 3rd
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > September 3rd


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