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  SmackDown Live Results – May 14th, 2019

Fatal 4 Way: Randy Orton vs. Ali vs. Andrade vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Finn Balor
We go to the ring for tonight’s Fatal 4 Way and out comes Randy Orton as Greg Hamilton does the introductions. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Rowan and Daniel Bryan are venting to Shane McMahon. Shane makes a 4-on-3 Handicap Match for tonight against The Usos and Roman Reigns. If The Miz interferes the Steel Cage match against Shane will be pulled from Sunday’s pay-per-view. We go back to the ring and Orton is standing with a ladder and a mic in the ring. We see the MITB briefcase hanging high above the ring. Orton talks about how he will win the briefcase for the second time on Sunday and then the three most dangerous letters for the WWE Champion will be RKO. Orton drops the mic. The music hits and out next comes Andrade with Zelina Vega. Vega and Andrade also talk about how he will be Mr. Money In the Bank after Sunday. Ali is out next, followed by WWE Intercontinental Champion Finn Balor for this non-title match.
Back from the break and the match is already underway. Orton works Ali around the ring. Balor tries to get involved but he gets kicked out of the ring. Ali unloads with strikes on Orton now. Orton catches Ali with a powerslam. Fans chant for the RKO now as Orton stalks Ali while he’s down. Orton rocks Ali with an uppercut. Ali catches Orton with a dropkick and Orton goes down. Orton runs into a back elbow in the corner. Ali blocks the RKO and drops a big DDT. Ali with a 2 count on Orton as Andrade breaks it up.
Andrade unloads on Ali in the corner as Vega barks orders. Ali ends up sending Andrade into the turnbuckles. Andrade comes back and turns Ali inside out with a big shot. Andrade ends up tossing Ali out of the ring to the floor. Balor drops Andrade in the corner. Balor rocks Andrade and Orton, knocking him off the apron. Balor with more offense to his opponents. Balor with an elbow to Orton’s throat. Balor kicks Andrade in the head from the apron.
Balor climbs to the top for the Coup de Grace but Andrade crotches him. Andrade with the running double knees to Balor in the corner. Balor kicks out at 2 and Vega isn’t happy. Vega looks under the ring and calls for Andrade to come get a ladder. Andrade brings two ladders out and slides one of them into the ring. Andrade rams the ladder into Balor. He charges with it but Ali superkicks him. Andrade falls back out to the floor. Ali leaps out over the top rope and hits a ladder in Andrade’s arms on the floor. They both hit hard and go down. We go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Andrade sends Balor into a ladder in the corner. More back and forth between everyone. Ali leaps off the top and Orton catches him with the RKO. Andrade ends up dropping Balor in the middle of the ring again. Andrade with the Hammerlock DDT for a close 2 count. Balor leaps out of the ring to take Ali and Orton down on the floor. Andrade and Balor tangle more in the middle of the ring. Andrade with another Hammerlock DDT for the pin to win.
Winner: Andrade

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Smackdown Live! > 2019 > May 14th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Smackdown Live! > 2019 > May 14th


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