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  Monday Night RAW Results – September 5th, 2022

Balor and Priest rush the ring from behind but Edge fights them off. The numbers game catches up and they double team him but now Edge keeps fighting. Dominik comes in from behind and drops Edge with a chop block. Edge is attacked by Balor and Priest again. Rey walks back down the ramp and confronts Dominik and Rhea at ringside. Dominik shoves his father and Rhea hits him from behind. Rhea then launches Rey into the steel ring steps. Priest with a South of Heaven chokeslam to Edge in the middle of the ring. Ripley hands a steel chair to Dominik, and he hands it into the ring to Balor. Balor takes the chair and smashes it into the back of Edge’s knee a few times. Balor now wraps the chair around Edge’s knee and Priest holds it there, while Edge is still face-down. Balor goes to the top and hits a Coup de Grace on Edge’s knee with the chair around it. Rey returns to the ring as The Judgment Day retreats to the floor. Fans boo as Priest, Dominik, Ripley and Balor stand tall together at ringside. Dominik looks on with a smirk. We go to commercial.

Damien Priest vs. Rey Mysterio

Rey with punches and Priest with a knee. Rey holds on to the ropes to stop an Irish whip and Priest kicks Rey in the ribs. Rey kicks Priest against the ropes and hits a head scissors that sends Priest to the floor. Rey with a drop kick through the ropes and then THE Judgment Day come out and that allows Priest to recover and he connects with a forearm as Rey comes off the apron. Priest sends Rey back into the ring and he hits a leaping elbow into the corner. Priest with a Broken Arrow for a near fall. Priest stretches Rey. Priest with a forearm that sends Rey into the corner. Priest pulls Rey to the floor and he sets to hot shot Rey on the apron and does it. Priest kicks Rey in the chest and follows with a jab and more kicks. Priest misses a round kick and Rey with a roll-up for a near fall. Priest with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Priest with a reverse chin lock.

Priest wins with South of Heaven for the three count.

Winner: Damian Priest

After the match, Rhea says that now that Damian is done with Rey, there is one man left in the way. Dominik is going to send him back into retirement. What Papi wants, Papi gets. That is why Dominik is making the challenge to face Edge next week.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2022 > September 5th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2022 > September 5th


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