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  WWE NXT TakeOver: Unstoppable Results – May 20, 2015

Finn Bálor vs. Tyler Breeze to determine the #1 contender for the NXT Championship


Lock-ups and exchanges early. Breeze doing his heel-ish duck-outs, but is not playing it like he’s intimidated.


Finn looks like he’s going for a dive when Tyler rolls out, but Prince Pretty charges at him. The next exchange ends when heel kicks the Irishman down to the apron. They look evenly matched, but Breeze gets the upper hand again following a neckbreaker.


Early trip to chinlock city, but TB is unable to get a pinfall. Balor eventually reverses out of a Sunset Flip with a dropkick, and another one sends the model to the floor to set-up a double stomp there. Breeze gets rolled back in, but moves before Finn can hit his finisher.


Breeze thwarts Bloody Sunday, but gets caught in a Sling Blade. Balor runs right into a Supermodel Kick that gets a nearfall. Tyler leans on the ropes, pretending to catch his breath but actually uncovering the turnbuckle. The ref moves him but doesn’t catch it. Tyler puts the boots to his opponent, but is nearly tossed into the corner. He pulls up short, and tosses the Irishman into it and hits the Beauty Shot. 1 – 2 – NO!


After complaining for a bit, Finn gets back on the offensive and Breeze goes to walk out. But Finn came from the side to lay him out, climbed the rafters above the stage and dove onto him on the ramp! He carried his opponent back to the ring, blasted him with a drop kick and hit the Coup de Grace.


Winner: Finn Bálor

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > NXT > 2015 > May 20th (Takeover: Unstoppable)
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > NXT > 2015 > May 20th (Takeover: Unstoppable)


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