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  Monday Night RAW Results – April 30th, 2018

Seth praises the crowd for their reactions. He says the last month has been wild. He takes everyone back to Wrestlemania where he wins the Intercontinental Championship. Then they go to South Africa where he defends the title. They come back to St. Louis and then go to Saudi Arabia where he defended the title in a ladder match.

Seth says merci to the people of Montreal. Seth says the crowd makes it all worthwhile. He says the trip back from Saudi Arabia was long and it allowed him to think about what kind of champion he wants to be. He does not want to be anything like Brock Lesnar. Brock isn’t even the legitimate Universal Champion because we saw Roman’s feet hit first. Seth says he does not want to show up only when it is convenient or when the price is right. He wants to be a fighting champion . . .

Finn Balor’s music plays and interrupts Seth.

Finn introduces himself in French. He tells Seth he was right. It was a long flight from Saudi Arabia and it gave him time to watch the end of the ladder match and see how close he came to being Intercontinental champion. Finn says that Seth beat him, but by this much. They have had four singles matches and each of them have won two. That makes them even. You talk about being a fighting champion so why not show you are a fighting champion by putting that title on the line tonight?

Seth says he has the Miz at Backlash on Sunday, but . . .

Finn says he likes that but.

Seth says since he is a fighting champion, he will leave it up to the people of Montreal.

Seth says he is on and then . . .

Miz’ music plays and Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas make their way to the stage.

Curtis says not to worry about what these people want. Worry about what is best for yourselves. You guys shouldn’t be fighting each other, you should be fighting together. Bo says we should all be fighting together.

Curtis says they made a mistake by coming at them separately. They should have had a group conversation and then Bo and Curtis reveal shirts with all four of their photos on it.

Bo says forget about the Balor Club and forget about the Shield. Bo says they have the Four Horsemen of the WWE.

Bo and Curtis put up the four fingers.

Seth and Finn have a conversation away from Bo and Curtis. Seth says it is a hard no.

Bo tells Curtis to keep his chin up. Bo says they don’t need them. Bo and Curtis turn away and then try to attack Finn and Seth but Seth with a super kick to Bo and Finn with a Slingblade to Curtis. Rollins clotheslines Axel over the top rope to the floor.

Balor takes care of Rollins with an elevated elbow drop to the chest.

Finn Balor versus Seth Rollins for the Intercontinental Title

They lock up and Balor is backed into the corner. Rollins pushes Balor on the break. They lock up and Balor with a front face lock. Rollins with a side head lock. Balor with an arm drag but Rollins with a back elbow and he sends Balor to the floor and he follows with a pescado.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins with a reverse chin lock. We see footage from the commercial break. Rollins with a knee to the midsection followed by a chop. Balor with a chop and then they go back and forth. Rollins with a kick and Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Balor with running forearms and a flying forearm. Rollins with an Irish whip and Balor floats over. Rollins with a blockbuster. Rollins with a forearm into the corner followed by a flatline. Rollins with a springboard clothesline. Rolilns with a suicide dive but he tries for a second one and Balor with a round kick to the head.

Balor with punches and Rollins misses a series of short arm clotheslines. Balor with a DDT for a near fall. Balor goes for slingblade but Rollins avoids it. Balor with a drop kick and elevated elbow drop. Balor pushes Rollins and chops him in the corner. Balor with an Irish whip but Rollins with slingblade out of the corner. Rollins with a V Trigger for a near fall. Rollins with a back heel kick but Balor with a punch.

Rollins goes to the apron and misses a springboard move. Balor with a double leg take down and double stomp. Balor goes to the apron and hits an enzuigiri. Balor goes up top and Rollins crotches Balor. Rollins climbs the turnbuckles for the superplex into the Falcon Arrow but Rollins is pushed to the mat. Rollins leaps to the turnbuckles and hits the superplex but Balor with a Falcon Arrow for a near fall.

Balor punches Rollins and Rollins with a forearm. Balor with another forearm. Rollins with a chop and Balor with a forearm. They go back and forth. Balor goes for 1916 but Rollins with a knee. Balor with a Pele Kick but Rollins with an enzuigiri. Balor clotheslines Rollins over the top rope to the floor. Balor with a plancha and they return to teh ring. Balor drop kicks Rollins into the turnbuckles. Balor goes up top and misses Coup de Grace. Rollins misses Black Out. Balor with a rollup for a near fall. Balor with another rollup for a near fall. Balor with Slingblade.

Rollins with a super kick to Balor and both men are down. Rollins with Black Out for the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > April 30th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > April 30th


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