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  Monday Night RAW Results – April 9th, 2018

Seth Rollins makes his entrance.

He takes in the nigh-obligatory “You deserve it!” chants for a second before beginning, saying there’s been ups and downs but that was the longest “Burn it down!” he’s ever heard. After last night, he can finally say Seth freakin’ Rollins is back, baby! And he has to admit, “Grand Slam Rollins” has kind of a nice ring to it. He finally caught up to Roman and Dean and now every member of the Shield is a Grand Slam Champion and that’s pretty cool.

But what makes it special for him is that he got to win the last leg of his on the grandest stage of them all at WrestleMania. The fans made the whole week special–

Enter Finn Balor. He’s sorry to interrupt but there’s something he’s been thinking about all day and he has to get it off his chest. Rollins is all for it and Finn continues in the ring, congratulating Seth on his victory. He says Rollins was the better man last night, but it was a triple threat, so there was a winner, a loser, and this guy, left wanting more.

So he came out here to tell Seth he wanted to be the first person to step up and challenge him for his title! Rollins shakes his hand, it’s on!

Enter Miz, flanked by the Miztourage. He says he’s more than happy to interrupt the celebration and he wants to be the first to say that Seth doesn’t deserve it, he does. He made that title the most prestigious and relevant title in all of WWE, and last night he walked down the ramp by himself because he knew that if the Miztourage came with him he’d never hear the end of complaining when he won.

Seth asks if he’s saying he can’t win without the Miztourage, but Miz won’t admit, saying that he wanted no excuses, no asterisks when he became the longest-reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time, and two weeks ago he became a father– Rollins and Balor congratulate him and a “He’s got kids!” chant goes up– and last night his little angel watched his match.

And what did Maryse say about that? When Monroe saw Rollins steal the title, it made her cry. Seth made his little princess cry, and that made his wife cry, and when he heard that happened, he’s man enough to admit it, he cried too. Rollins steps up and says he’s proud of Miz to admit that he cried, because that’s what everyone does when they watch him try to wrestle.

If he wants the title back, he’s not getting it because Miz isn’t fit to lace his boots. Miz says Finn isn’t owed anything, but he’s owed his rematch, and Rollins says he hasn’t forgotten, and if he’d like to invoke his rematch clause, why not do it right here, right now? (Van Halen’s kicking ass in America?) Miz declines, pointing out that he’s wearing a custom-made suit, and he’d like to invoke his rematch clause at Backlash.

The A-Lister has a lesson for them, they need to negotiate from a position of strength, and he offers a handicap match between the two sides. They’re down and take their shirts off, ready to fight–

JEFF HARDY’S BACK! WE GOT A TRIOS MATCH! The Miztourage take their jackets off… and they bail and run off.

Our babyface team is walking backstage when Jeff Hardy runs into his brother Matt. He’s glad Jeff overcame his broken CONDITION and Jeff speaks to him in his own parlance before Matt introduces him to the new and improved Bray Wyatt, who calls him Brother Nero. Bray says he feels wonderful now that Sister Abigail has been DELETED and they move on.

Finn asks what that was about and Jeff shrugs.

Finn Balor, Jeff Hardy, & Seth Rollins vs. Miz & the Miztourage (Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel)

Miz and Rollins to start, but the A-Lister backs off and tags Axel in. Side headlock, shot off, shoulder block, Curtis with a side headlock, shot off, drop down, leapfrog, arm drag into an armbar but Axel gets away and tags Dallas in. Seth fights them off one-on-two, drops a leg on Bo and tags Finn in. Hardy comes in, Poetry in Motion on both sides! The babyfaces stand tall and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Dallas has Rollins locked down with a reverse chinlock but Seth fights to his feet and floats over. Back elbow, tag to Balor, kick to the head, charging forearm, clear the apron, duck a lariat, double leg into the double stomp, hard chop in the corner, inverted headlock elbow drop… nope! Miz tags in, putting boots to Finn, off the ropes, boot to the face, only two and he grabs a reverse chinlock to grind him down.

Inverted facelock backbreaker / neckbreaker combo, only a nearfall and the A-Lister takes Balor into his corner and tags Axel in. Running neck snap, reverse chinlock, trying to deny the tag, off the ropes, a dropkick and Curtis is very pleased with himself. Tag to Bo, body slam, off the ropes with a fist drop and repeated knees to the face… NOPE!

Reverse chinlock applied, shot off, back suplex connects but Bo tags Miz in. Sunset flip, trying to block the tag, Finn rolls through and hits a dropkick… tag to Hardy! He comes in hot, lariat, Manhattan Drop, double leg drop to the midsection, big splash but the Miztourage are able to cut him off and get a tag… WHISPER IN THE WIND!

Tag to Rollins, in hot, boot to the face, diving blockbuster, lariat to the floor, fired up… SUICIDE DIVE WIPES ‘EM OUT! Back in, Miz perches up top, Seth meets him, superplex rolled into the Falcon Arrow and Bo breaks it up! Finn in with a Sling Blade, lariat Curtis to the floor, off the ropes… TOPE CON GIRO! Rollins rolls Miz through…

Finn Balor, Jeff Hardy, & the Miz win by pinfall with Blackout from Rollins on the Miz.

Just for good measure, the babyfaces hit a Coup de Grace and a Swanton Bomb on Axel after. BLACKOUT!

The babyfaces stand tall as commentary explains the concept of the Superstar Shake-Up.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > April 9th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > April 9th


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