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  Monday Night Raw Results – August 15th, 2016

We are back and Seth Rollins is in the ring. He says he has never been more insulted in his entire life. Last week Finn Balor gave us a history lesson about the Demon King and for what? Seth says he could not find the Demon King anywhere.


Seth tells CNN, ESPN, Fox News, Jonathan Stewart, and Jonathan Coachman to get ready to sink their teeth into what he is about to say.


There is nothing and no one that can stop him from becoming the first WWE Universal Champion. He promises you that. Seth says he is on another level right now. He looked all over for the Demon King. Seth says he will give the Demon King one more chance to come to the ring to face him.


Seth says that Finn Balor is trying to intimidate him because he is afraid of Seth. Finn will end up like everyone else who got into the ring with him. If he wasn’t Seth Rollins, he would be afraid of himself. This is just another chapter in the book of Rollins. The Demon King will not come out to the ring to look into his eyes because he will see something more horrifying than he could ever imagine. He tells Finn he has nowhere to run or nowhere to hide.


Something shows up at ringside and Seth wonders if that was the Demon King. He is nowhere to be found. At the end of the day, the Demon King will have no choice but to bow down.


The lights flicker until the finally go out and it leads to Finn Balor’s entrance. Finn Balor appears and he is in full Demon regalia.


Balor and Rollins go face to face.


Rollins and Balor exchange punches and Balor with a kick to the temple. Rollins with an enzuigiri and Balor with a Pele kick and running drop kick into the corner. Balor goes up top but Rollins goes to the floor. Balor goes to the mat and then hits a plancha onto Rollins. Balor runs back in the ring and stands tall as a frustrated Rollins looks on from the ramp.


Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2016 > August 15th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2016 > August 15th


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