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  Monday Night RAW Results – February 4th, 2019

Finn Balor is backstage and approaching the ring with his ribs taped up.

Backstage, Finn Balor says that the Irish are stubborn when wounded. His elbow is hurt from Lesnar and his ribs are hurt from Lesnar, but he’s still here to fight for the title. Balor says that he won’t be held down and he’s gonna take the fight to Lashley just like he did to Lesnar. He says he’ll be taking the Intercontinental Championship, too. As Finn enters the arena, we see replays of his match with Lesnar at the Rumble and the attack by Lashley the night after.

Lio Rush gets on the mic and tells Finn that he’s out here looking like a mummy with his ribs taped up. Rush tells him that this is a mouse vs. a mack truck. Lashley grabs a mic and says that Finn couldn’t beat Lesnar, and yet, he’s better than Lesnar. He says that he needs to start fighting people his own size and instead of a title match tonight, he has to face Lio Rush. If he’s entertaining enough, Lashley will give him a title match.

Before the match can even begin, Lashley cheap shots Balor and drives him in to the turnbuckles. Lashley continues the attack until he finally grabs his title and leaves the scraps for Rush.

Finn Balor vs. Lio Rush

The bell rings and Rush pounces with kicks and knees on a cornered Balor. Balor grabs Rush but Rush kicks him in his injured ribs to regain control. Rush with strikes on a grounded Balor. He goes for a kick but Balor catches his leg and drops him on his back. Balor stomps Rush until he exits the ring, he then comes through the ropes with a dropkick on Rush. Balor goes for a running kick on the apron but Lashley grabs his foot and pulls him down. The ref ejects Lashley from ringside as Rush looks on in horror. Rush climbs in the ring and then immediately goes back to the outside with a suicide dive on Balor.

Back from commercial, Lio Rush has an abdominal stretch on Balor and he finishes it with a couple sharp knees to Balor’s ribs. Rush with a couple shoulder tackles in the corner but Balor catches Rush with a knee. Balor with a kick to Rush from the ring apron. Balor goes for the coup de grace but Rush knocks his feet out from him and climbs to the top rope with Balor. Rush with a hurricanrana off the top for a close 2 count. Rush ties Balor in another version of an abdominal stretch but Balor twists out and puts Rush in an abdominal stretch of his own. Balor gains the advantage and connects with the Sling Blade, Balor ties to follow up but gets rolled up for the 2 count. Rush keeps on the attack and then goes for his huge frog splash. Balor dodges, gives him a dropkick in to the corner turnbuckles, and then scales the top rope. Balor with the coup de grace and the 1-2-3!

Winner: Finn Balor

Lashley comes running down to the ring after the match but Balor slides out and celebrates his victory on the ramp. We see replays from the match that just took place as Balor continues posing on the stage.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2019 > February 4th 28th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2019 > February 4th


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