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  Monday Night RAW Results – January 28th, 2019

Highlights are shown from Brock Lesnar defeating Finn Balor last night.

Finn Balor addresses Brock Lesnar
Finn Balor walks out on stage and heads to the ring to a solid reaction. Balor continues to show some wear and tear from his match last night at the Royal Rumble. He says last night for 10 minutes he went toe-to-toe with Brock Lesnar. “I make no excuses. Brock Lesnar beat me. And then Brock Lesnar beat me again.” Balor said he never felt speed or power like that before. He said he is hurt today, but he’s not standing out here with his head hung low. Balor is standing out here with his head held high. “Last night, Brock Lesnar beat me and then Brock Lesnar beat me again because I made Brock Lesnar believe.”

WWE Intercontinental Champion Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush interrupt. Rush says it is a disgrace that Balor even got an opportunity at the Universal Championship. He says Balor almost beat Lesnar, but he wouldn’t stand a chance in hell beating Bobby Lashley. Rush says Lashley is bigger and faster than Lesnar will ever be. He says the “ass whooping” Balor took last night would be nothing compared to what Lashley would do. Balor points out Lashley only lasting a few seconds in the Royal Rumble last night.

Lashley then attacks Balor and drives him hard into the ring. Lashley continues to lift up Balor and power him back down inside the ring with power. He teases that he is done, but turns out and picks up Balor driving him down into the mat again. Lashley and Rush head up the ramp to the back as we see Balor rolling around in pain.


Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2019 > January 28th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2019 > January 28th


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