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  Monday Night RAW Results – June 19th, 2017

In the ring, the Drifter is here to sing us a song. He remembers when he was fifteen, his dad gave him a guitar and said you can take this thing and tell the stories of the world, and he didn’t realize he’d drift into this godforsaken town. So relax, open your mind, and allow his music to wash over you and cleanse your filthy souls.
He starts to play but has to take a second to tune his guitar, demanding complete silence from the crowd.
Samson is interrupted by Finn Balor! They face off and circle, but the Drifter leaves and we go to break, informed that Finn will be in action after the break.
Back from commercial in time for the bell to ring.
Or not, because Bo Dallas blindsides Balor and lays him out! Referee Shawn Bennett checks on Finn and decides he can go.
Bo Dallas vs. Finn Balor
Punches in the corner, Dallas fired up, short-arm lariat, choke against the bottom rope and clubbing Balor against the apron. Throwing him into the barricade, charging knee to the head sandwiches him against it, back in the ring, only two. Knee lift, whip in the corner, Finn gets a boot up, takes an elbow, Pele kick in return and he finally gets some time to breathe.
Strike rush, elbow to the kidneys, mat slam into repeated stomps, Balor rallying, just laying stomp after stomp in as Bennett warns him. Lariat sends Bo outside, Penalty Kick from the apron! Throwing Dallas into the barricade repeatedly to give him his receipt, sling blade connects, shotgun dropkick…
Finn Balor wins by pinfall with Coup de Grace.
Finn Balor is interviewed and says all he sees in his future is the Universal Championship and him doing everything in his power to win it back. He says nobody knows Joe like he does and when he locks in the Coquina Clutch it’s lights out. And as for the Big Dog–
Elias Samson blindsides Finn! D-Von Dudley makes the save and tells the Drifter to get out of there.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2017 > June 19th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2017 > June 19th
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