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  Monday Night RAW Results – June 4th, 2018

We go to the stage and Big Show is out with athletes and representatives from the Special Olympics, representing Texas. Show talks about the 2018 Special Olympic USA Games that take place next month and introduces President & CEO, Beth Knox. Show talks about how he’s worked with the Special Olympics and how he’s proud to stand with them. Show calls for the fans to stand and give it up for the 2018 Special Olympic games and Team Texas. Show’s music hits but is interrupted by Finn Balor’s music as it’s time for the main event. Balor comes to the stage and greets the Special Olympians before heading to the ring.

Finn Balor vs. Kevin Owens

Balor goes to the ring and poses in the corners for his entrance. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and the following is announced for next week – Alexa Bliss vs. Natalya vs. Sasha Banks vs. Ember Moon and Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Roode vs. Finn Balor vs. Kevin Owens, plus a face-off between Nia Jax and Ronda Rousey. Kevin Owens is out next. Back and forth to start the match for a few minutes. Owens mocks Balor and pays for it. Owens ends up on the floor for a breather. Owens returns to the ring and takes Balor down with the headlock to keep him grounded in the middle of the ring.

Balor fights up to his feet but Owens drops him with a shoulder for a 1 count. Owens goes back to the headlock to keep Balor grounded. Balor turns it around and keeps Owens down by his arm. Owens counters and drops Balor, yelling at him about why this is his show. Owens stomps and chops Balor around now. They run the ropes and Balor rolls through on a roll-up attempt, nailing the basement dropkick for a 2 count.

Balor keeps Owens down by his arm again now. Owens counters and unloads on Balor, beating him down as the referee warns him. Owens backs off and whips Balor hard into the corner, sending him to the mat. More back and forth now. Balor with an overhead kick from the apron. Balor goes to the top rope for the Coup de Grace but Owens rolls to the floor to avoid it. Balor stands tall as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Owens takes Balor back down. Owens yells at the referee to check on the submission. Balor fights to his feet but Owens decks him. Owens runs into boots in the corner. Balor mounts more offense now. Owens goes to the top but Balor rocks him with an enziguri, sending him to the mat. Balor climbs up for the Coup de Grace but Owens rolls to the floor. Balor runs the ropes and launches out onto Owens, taking him down on the floor. Balor clutches his own back and we get a replay. Balor brings Owens back into the ring but he rolls right back out to the floor.

Owens hangs Balor up on the top rope as he comes back in. Owens takes back control and keeps Balor down with an armbar in the middle of the ring. Balor finally fights to his feet but Owens throws him right back to the mat. Owens goes for the senton but Balor rolls out of the way. Owens goes for the Pop-Up Powerbomb but it’s blocked. Balor counters and hits the double stomp to the gut. They both get up and go at it with Balor unloading in the corner. Balor keeps control and drops Owens again for a close 2 count. Balor waits for Owens to get up in the corner. Owens counters and rolls Balor up for a 2 count. Owens comes right back with a superkick for another close pin attempt.

Balor looks to put Owens away after more offense. Balor launches Owens into the corner and he goes down hard. Balor goes to the top for the Coup de Grace but Owens crotches him and shuts him down. Owens turns Balor upside down in the corner and stomps away now. The referee warns Owens but Owens keeps stomping until the referee calls for the bell for the disqualification.

Winner by DQ: Finn Balor

After the match, Owens keeps assaulting Balor as the bell rings. Owens goes to the top and hits a big Frogsplash on Balor. Owens pulls a ladder from under the ring now. Owens brings the ladder into the ring and stands it up. Owens climbs up near the briefcases and looks out. Owens looks to hit a Frogsplash from the top of the ladder but he changes his mind and goes down a few steps. Balor takes advantage of the hesitation and brings Owens down, sending him into the corner. Balor climbs to the top of the ladder and hits a big Coup de Grace for a pop. Balor climbs back up the ladder and grabs the briefcase. Balor sits on top of the ladder with the title shot as his music hits. We go to replays. Owens rolls around in pain on the floor as Balor clutches the briefcase up high above the ring. RAW goes off the air.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > June 4th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > June 4th


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