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  Monday Night Raw Results – November 21st, 2022

The Judgment Day make their way to the stage.

Rhea tells Drew to shut up. The only thing people are going to talk about after Survivor Series is how many people I destroy in the women’s War Games Match. You are a bit lost. This is Raw, the show that The Judgment Day runs. Priest says you show respect to The Judgment Day. Dominik says that you better go back to Smackdown and you can tell my deadbeat dad, Rey Mysterio, I said hi. Finn tells AJ that he is coming to collect on Saturday. He says he hopes the Bloodline smashes you at Survivor Series. Next time you show your ugly mugs on Raw, The Judgment Day won’t be so nice.

Sheamus asks Finn how is he doing. Their homes might be ten miles apart in Ireland, but it might as well be a million miles apart. I don’t respect you. You are the Plastic Paddy I have come to despise.

Finn tells Sheamus even salt looks like sugar and I am a salty bastard. Sheamus says he has been wanting to get Finn one on one, so why don’t we do The Judgment Day versus the Brawling Brutes right here and right now. Finn says they are speaking their language. Priest says they accept.

All six men brawl in the ring and then The Judgment Day is sent to the floor as we go to commercial.

The Judgment Day vs. The Brawling Brutes

Sheamus tags in and Finn begs for mercy in the corner. Sheamus with a kick and he gets Finn up but Finn escapes and tags in Priest. Priest with punches and Sheamus fires back. Priest with an Irish whip but Sheamus gets his boots up to stop a splash. Priest grabs Sheamus on the turnbuckles but Sheamus gets to the apron and punches Priest. Sheamus with a clothesline off the turnbuckles for a near fall. Ridge tags in and Priest blocks a suplex. Ridge with a knee lift but Priest with a back elbow. Priest punches Ridge in the corner and follows with an uppercut. Priest with Broken Arrow.

Dominik tags in and punches Ridge and poses. Dominik with more punches. Finn tags in and hits an elbow drop to the back and gets a near fall. Balor with a drop kick for a near fall. Dominik tags in and he kicks Ridge and punches him. Dominik with kicks to Ridge but Ridge with a suplex to Dominik. Balor and Butch tag in and Butch with a kick in the corner followed by a knee drop to the arm. Dominik blocks a German suplex but Butch kicks Dominik and punches Priest. Butch stomps on Finn’s hands and kicks him. Butch goes for a Fujiwara arm bar but Priest pulls Butch out of the ring and hits a choke slam on the apron.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Priest punches Butch but runs into a boot in the corner. Priest with a clothesline and he Irish whips Butch into the corner and hits a leaping elbow. Balor tags in and hits a slingshot boot. Dominik tags in and hits a slingshot senton. Balor tags back in and Balor with a back breaker. Priest with a leg drop to Butch. Priest gets a near fall. Priest with an arm bar. Dominik tags in and kicks Butch. Butch grabs at the fingers and pulls them but Balor makes the tag. Butch with an enzuigiri to Balor. Dominik pushes Sheamus into the ring post and then Dominik puts Rhea in front of him when Ridge goes after him.

Balor misses an elbow in the corner and Ridge tags in. Ridge with shoulder tackles and a flying shoulder tackle. Ridge with a splash and a second one. Ridge goes for a third one but Balor gets his feet up. Ridge with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Priest comes in and Ridge with a head butt. Balor with an elevated elbow drop and both men are down. Dominik and Sheamus tag in and Dominik is not happy. He runs to the back and Sheamus follows after him.

AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson, and Mia Yim come out and force Dominik back into the ring. Sheamus with clotheslines and a uranage back breaker. Priest stops Sheamus and Dominik drops him on the top rope. Priest with a leaping flatliner to Ridge. Butch with an enzugiiri to Priest and a moonsault off the apron. Balor with a forearm to Butch. Dominik with a rollup on Sheamus for a near fall. Sheamus with a boot to Dominik and it is time for forearms to Dominik on the apron. Sheamus sets for the Brogue and hits it on Dominik for the three count.

Winners: The Brawling Brutes

After the match, Priest and Balor attack Sheamus. Priest is sent over the top rope to the floor and Sheamus punches Priest. Gallows with a round kick to Priest. Balor stands in the ring in shock and he wants AJ or anyone in his group to come to the ring. Kevin Owens gets in the ring and he kicks Balor and follows with a stunner.


Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2022 > November 21st
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2022 > November 21st


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