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  Monday Night RAW Results – October 1st, 2018

Alicia Fox (with Jinder Mahal and Sunil Singh) vs. Bayley (witih Finn Bálor)

They lock up and Alicia slams Bayley’s head into the turnbuckles. Bayley punches Alicia from the turnbuckles but Alicia pushes Bayley off the turnbuckles and then she sends Bayley face first into the mat for a near fall. Alicia goes for a Northern Lights suplex but Bayley blocks it. Bayley lands on her feet after being pulled off the turnbuckles. Bayley with an elbow for a near fall. Alicia with a knee to Bayley. Alicia with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Alicia with a reverse chin lock.

Bayley hot shots Alicia on the turnbuckles. Bayley kicks Alicia away and hits a clothesline followed by a second one. Bayley sends Alicia to the apron and hits a cutter. Alicia floats over and goes for a sunset flip but you don’t sunset flip Balor’s Mixed Match Challenge partner and she hits a drop kick. Mahal tries to interfere and Balor with Slingblade to Mahal on the floor. Bayley with a belly-to-belly suplex for the three count.

Winner: Bayley

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > October 1st
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > October 1st


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