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  Monday Night RAW Results – October 8th, 2018

Back from commercial, Finn Balor and Bayley are interviewed backstage about their match against Jinder Mahal and Alicia Fox later tonight.

Balor says he doesn’t think they’re even on the same planet, and Bayley says individually they’re tough, but together they’re too worried about who’s the captain to fight them. They list famous pairings that they’re like when Lio Rush and Bobby Lashley roll up, Lio chanting for Bob. He asks if we saw what his man did to Kevin Owens just now, and says this is the scoop right here.

Mahalicia (Alicia Fox & Jinder Mahal) vs. Team B&B (Bayley & Finn Balor) (Mixed Tag Team Match)

Balor and Mahal to start, Jinder with a body slam that gets one and he follows it with a reverse chinlock, staying on Finn and keeping him grounded. Shift to a side headlock, shot off, sunset flip into the basement dropkick and Balor’s back in it but Fox tags herself and Bayley in. Finn uses Bayley as a weapon and she snaps a Frankensteiner off on Mahal as we go to break!

Back from commercial and Fox is in control on Bayley with a reverse chinlock and a mat slam. Stomps to the arm and ankle follow, a forearm to the face, only good for two and she shifts to a waistlock momentarily. Hair pull to block the tag but the Hugger manages to sling her through the ropes, the way is clear and she throws Alicia out the far side before getting the tag!

Finn in hot, elbows all over the place, double leg into the double stomp and he’s fired up! Mahal in the corner, Balor hits a charging chop, whip reversed, up and over and Jinder lands a superkick! Up top, Finn cuts him off, bids he rise, Sling Blade blocked but Balor comes off the ropes and hits the inverted headlock elbow drop for a cover… FOX BREAKS IT UP!

Bayley knocks Sunil Singh off the apron, drags Alicia out and Finn lands an enzuigiri from the apron, up top…

Team B&B win by pinfall with Coup de Grace from Finn Balor on Jinder Mahal.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > October 8th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > October 8th


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