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  NXT Takeover: Stand & Deliver Results – April 8th, 20...

Karrion Kross vs. Finn Balor (c)

We get backstage shots of the competitors heading to the ring for what’s billed as the co-main event. Out first comes Karrion Kross with Scarlett with their unique entrance. They hit the ring and pose together in the center. Kross is wearing new in-ring attire. Out next comes NXT Champion Finn Balor. Balor comes out with his red X painted on his upper body. Balor hits the corners to pose as Kross stares him down. They meet in the middle of the ring for a face off as Taylor does formal ring introductions.

The bell rings and they face off again as fans cheer them on. They lock up and Kross overpowers, sending Balor to the mat. They face off again and lock up. Balor tie the arm up. Kross shoves him away. Kross goes behind and they trade holds now. Balor controls Kross by the arm. Kross scoops Balor but he slides out. Kross drops Balor but Balor smiles back at him. Balor with a headlock to try and bring Kross to the mat. Kross tries to break free but Balor keeps it locked in.

Kross drops Balor with a big shoulder. Balor stares him down and smiles. Kross has Balor’s red paint on the side of his head. Kross mocks Balor after a kick. Balor chops and kicks. Kross grabs Balor and tosses him across the ring after a slap. Balor gets up and smiles at Kross again. Balor with a big slap across the face. Kross seethes now. Kross yells in Balor’s face and rams him to the corner for shoulder thrusts as the referee warns him. Kross whips Balor across the ring and delivers another big thrust in the corner. Kross does the same but Balor moves and Kross rams the ring post now.

Balor works Kross over in the corner, focusing on the arm. Scarlett tries to encourage Kross but Balor keeps control and takes him down by the arm again. Kross tries to power up but Balor keeps him grounded in the middle of the ring. Kross gets up with Balor on his back, ramming him back in the corner. Kross takes control now, launching Balor with a big suplex. Kross turns Balor upside down in the corner in a Tree of Woe, working him over as fans boo. Kross with a running knee while Balor is upside down.

Balor ends up countering and takes Kross down into an armbar. Kross rolls over and powers up but Balor brings him right back to the mat with a big arm DDT. Kross rolls around in pain but Balor goes right back to working on the arm. Balor chops Kross in the corner now. Balor keeps focusing on the arm and elbow in the corner as fans rally. Balor with another chop to the chest. Balor drops Kross with a spin kick to the chest. Balor stomps away while Kross is down now. Balor with big strikes to the chest now while Kross is trapped in the ropes. Balor charges but Kross kicks him to the mat. Fans chant for Kross. He scoops Balor, rams him into the turnbuckles twice, but Balor counters and brings him back down in the middle of the ring. The referee counts while both are down. Kross sits up and grabs Balor’s ankle but Balor kicks him in the face.

They tangle and Kross nails an overhead suplex. Kross levels Balor with a big suplex. Kross with a powerbomb for a close 2 count. Kross calls for the finish over Balor. Balor counters with big knees. Balor drops Kross and hits the double stomp to the chest, then the running kick. Balor with an abdominal stretch in the middle of the ring now. Kross tosses Balor to the mat out of nowhere by overpowering. Kross charges but Balor nails a Slingblade.

Balor waits in the corner now as Kross recovers. Balor charges but Kross meets him with a clothesline. Kross with a big Doomsday Saito suplex. Kross calls for Balor’s time. Kross waits for Balor to get up. He charges but Balor nails the pele kick, then a dropkick into the corner. Balor with a dropkick to the back into the corner now. Balor goes to the top for Coup de Grace and he nails it. Balor covers for a close 2 count as Kross kicks out. Kross goes right into a Straitjacket submission on the mat. Balor tries to get up but Kross has him locked in. Balor rolls through and hits a double stomp to the chest as fans pop.

Balor sits up and shows some frustration now, as does Kross. Balor with a running kick to the ribs. Balor with an abdominal stretch submission on the mat now. Scarlett screams as Kross tries to make it to the bottom rope. Kross turns it around and unloads with forearm shots to the back of the head, putting Balor to sleep face-down on the mat. Kross picks Balor up and hits a big German suplex.

Kross scoops Balor for a Doomsday Saito suplex. Balor stumbles to his feet now. Kross runs from behind and hits the big running forearm to the back of the head. Balor goes down but he’s still moving. Kross charges with another big forearm to the back of the neck. Kross covers for the pin to win the title.

Winner and NEW NXT Champion: Karrion Kross

After the match, Kross stands tall as the music hits. Scarlett joins him as he takes the title. We go to replays. Kross and Scarlett pose in the middle of the ring as the spotlight shines on them.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > NXT > 2021 > April 8th (NXT Takeover: Stand & Deliver)
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Peacock > NXT Specials > 2020 > NXT Takeover: Stand & Deliver – April 8th, 2021


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