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  NXT TakeOver: The End… Results – June 8th, 2016

Steel Cage Match for the NXT Title: Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe


Neville is ringside for tonight’s main event. We go to the cage and out first comes Demon Finn Balor to a pop. NXT Champion Samoa Joe is out next. We get formal introductions from Hamilton.


Back and forth to start the first-ever NXT cage match. Joe goes for the door early on. Balor makes a comeback with some offense but Joe is the first to use the cage as a weapon as he launches Balor into the steel. Joe with strikes and an enziguri in the corner. Joe with more shots in the corner. Joe with boots to the face. Joe eventually goes to the door but Balor grabs his leg. They trade strikes in the corner but Balor unloads and kicks Joe in the head. Balor crawls out but Joe holds onto him. Joe pulls Balor back in and the door is shut. Joe with a German suplex for a 2 count. Joe climbs the cage now. Balor grabs his leg and then climbs up. Joe gets sent to the mat and Balor tumbles between the cage and the ropes after an enziguri from Joe. Joe with a 2 count.


Joe keeps control and charges while Balor is in the ropes but he moves and Joe hits the steel. Balor keeps sending Joe into the steel but Joe counters. Balor avoids a clutch and knocks Joe into the steel again. Balor climbs up, using Joe’s body, and tries to escape the cage. Joe brings him back in but Balor kicks him in the face. They both end up on the mat and Balor gets crotched. Joe plants Balor but has the Musclebuster blocked with a roll up for 2. They trade forearms in the middle of the cage now. Balor drops Joe with a pele kick.


They both end up on the top trading shots again. Balor brings them both down with a Slingblade. Balor with a 2 count. Balor with another Slingblade. Balor misses the dropkick in the corner and Joe hits a senton. Joe nails the Musclebuster but Balor kicks out at 2. Joe says he’s going to end Balor. Joe with kicks. Balor blocks a shot into the cage and sends Joe in twice. Balor with another Slingblade. Balor dropkicks Joe into the corner. Balor with another corner dropkick and that one brings Joe to the mat. Balor goes to the top and hits a Coup de Grace for a close 2 count. Joe blocks the 1916 and gets the Coquina clutch applied. Balor eventually breaks it and barely hits a double stomp. Balor climbs up the cage and kicks Joe away. Balor gets to the top but Joe climbs up to him. Joe brings Balor back over and hits a second rope Musclebuster for the win.


Winner: Samoa Joe


– After the match, Joe’s music hits but both men are laid out. We go to replays. We come back and Joe clutches his title as the cage is raised. Joe gets to his feet and raises the belt as officials and trainers check on Balor. Joe makes his exit and looks back at the cage as we go to more replays. Joe stops and raises the title at the entrance as Balor is still being checked on by trainers. Takeover goes off the air with Joe heading backstage with his title as Balor tries to recover in the ring.


Related Links, Photos & More:

»FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > NXT > 2016 > June 8th (Takeover: The End…)
»FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > WWE Network > NXT Specials > 2016 > NXT Takeover: The End… – June 8th, 2016


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