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  WWE NXT Results – June 24, 2015

Hideo Itami comes to the ring and cuts promo, where he blames Kevin Owens for his injury. Kevin comes out, where a back and forth of words between the two goes down. Kevin then decides to attack Hideo but Finn Bálor comes up behind Owens and attacks him. Owens tries to escape but Bálor stops him with a forearm off the ramp. Bálor goes to the stage and Rhyno hits Bálor with a body block and then kicks Finn off the stage.


Finn Bálor vs Rhyno

This match is set to be a decently long one, as they’ve left about 20 minutes on the clock. NXT Champion Kevin Owens comes out to do commentary, and ends up bashing Byron Saxton literally the entire time. Bálor gets a few shots in early, but the whole match is basically Rhyno in control, Finn building momentum with the crowd, powering out of rest holds, then getting beaten back down. They actually get two commercial breaks in. Owens gets up from commentary and goes after Bálor but gets dropkicked off the apron. Finn dodges a Gore and hits the double foot stomp from the top rope to pick up the 1-2-3.


Winner: Finn Bálor


Owens immediately goes on the attack after the match, pummeling Bálor and tossing him around the ring. They brawl to the floor and we get a tease of the powerbomb on the apron spot, but Samoa Joe rushes the ring to make the save. Owens and Rhyno retreat together and hang out on the entrance ramp while Bálor and Joe stand tall in the ring, to end the show.


Related Links, Photos & More:

»FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > NXT > 2015 > June 24th
»FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > NXT > 2015 > June 24th


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