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  WWE NXT TakeOver: R Evolution Results: December 11, 2014

The Ascension vs Hideo Itami & Finn Bálor

Itami snapmares Konnor and Balor chops him in the corner, then he holds him in the corner and Itami connects with some chops and kicks. Itami gets caught with a flapjack for two, then Viktor stomps him a few times and hits an uppercut for two. Konnor applies a chinlock and kicks the back of Itami’s head, then he goes back to a chinlock but Itami fights out and he sidesteps a shoulder tackle in the corner. Itami sends him into the ringpost and tries to make the tag, but Viktor knocks Balor off the apron and pulls him into the corner.

Itami kicks him in the face and finally makes the tag, and Balor connects with some forearm shots, then he sends Konnor to the floor and splashes both opponents with a somersault dive. Balor goes for a double stomp but Viktor sidesteps it, and Balor hits a Brainbuster but Konnor breaks it up the pin. Balor goes for a spinning enziguiri but Viktor ducks and takes him down, then Itami tries to assist but he gets knocked outside. Konnor and Viktor set up for Fall of Man but Itami pulls Konnor outside, then Balor connects with a Pele kick, and both Balor and Itami connect with top rope double footstomps and make the simultaneous covers.

Winners: Hideo Itami & Finn Bálor

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > NXT > December 11th (TakeOver)
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > NXT > December 11th (TakeOver)


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