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  WWE Surivor Series Results – November 18th, 2018

Team RAW vs. Team SmackDown


The first guy out was Samoa Joe from the SmackDown side, who fell to a Claymore from Drew McIntyre.


The action completely broke down from here, notably when Strowman went after McIntyre after some verbal sniping. In the end, Strowman ended up taking offense from everywhere, including an elbow from Shane McMahon through the announcer’s desk.


McIntrye was hated by his entire team, and that led to multiple attacks. Finn Balor was one of those, and he ended up taken out by Rey Mysterio. There was a ton of action both in and outside of the ring, with bodies everywhere.


Next out was Dolph Ziggler, who was pinned by none other than Shane O’Mac. Hey, he’s the Best in the World, and no one knows that better than Ziggler, right?


The moment of the match came just after, when Strowman showed up out of nowhere and clotheslined McMahon as he was trying to hit Coast-to-Coast on Lashley. He got into the match shortly after and eliminated Jeff Hardy, who had tagged in. Mysterio came in next and he also fell to the powerslam.


Lashley, McIntyre, and Strowman were left on the Raw side while SmackDown was down to just Miz and a beat up McMahon.


That went to a 3-on-1 advantage when Miz was also taken out with the powerslam.


Only Shane left.


T-Rex dropkick.


Corner splash.


Running powerslam.




Team Raw wins, with three survivors, and they go up 4-0.


Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Pay-Per-View > 2018 > Survivor Series
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Pay-Per-View > 2018 > Survivor Series


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