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  WWE Crown Jewel Results – October 21st, 2021

Finn Balor vs. Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship

Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso attack Balor while Finn is posing on the turnbuckles after his entrance. They the run the ring steps into Balor. Jimmy goes up top but The Street Profits are out to make the save. They chase the Usos through the crowd as Roman Reigns’ music hits and he makes his way to the ring.

Back to commercial.

We are back and the medical staff checks on Finn and we can finally get the introductions.

Roman backs Balor into the corner and he biels Balor across the ring. Roman with kicks to the ribs. Roman with punches an he sends Balor into the turnbuckles. Roman sends Balor into another turnbuckle. Balor with NeverEnding Story. Balor drop kicks Reigns in the knee and then he kicks the back of the leg to take Roman down. Balor grabs the leg but Reigns with a head butt. Balor with slingblade and then Balor runs into an uppercut. Roman with a choke slam for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Roman sets for the Superman punch but misses. Balor with a chop Balor kicks Roman and connects with a forearm. Roman with a punch and Balor with a Pele Kick and both men are down. Balor gets to his feet and he punches Roman. Roman with a knee to the midsection. Roman goes for a power bomb but Balor gets to his feet and he takes Roman down and hits a double stomp.

Balor with shoulders in the corner. Balor with a back heel kick and Roman sends Balor to the floor. Balor pulls Roman off the apron and into the ring skirt. Balor with punches and kicks as the camera shakes like there is an earthquake in Jacksonville. Balor with a flip dive.

Balor goes up top and he misses the Coup de Grace when Roman moves. Roman with a Superman punch for a near fall. Roman looks around as he sets for the spear. Roman growls and Balor with a kick and an inside cradle for a near fall. Roman goes for a Samoan drop but Balor with an elevated elbow drop for a near fall. Balor sets for the running drop kick and sends Roman into the corner. Balor goes up top and hits the Coup de Grace for a near fall and Balor’s arm hits Finn in his Balors. Roman with elbows to Balor. Roman with the guillotine and Balor passes out.

Winner: Roman Reigns

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > SmackDown LIVE! > 2021 > September 3rd
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > SmackDown LIVE1 > 2021 > Septmeber 3rd


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