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  Monday Night Raw Results – January 23rd, 2023

RAW Tag Team Titles Match: The Judgment Day vs. The Usos

We go back to the ring and out comes The Judgment Day – Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio with Finn Balor and Rhea Ripley. Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos, Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso, look on from the corner, and Sami Zayn is on the apron. The Usos will be defending their RAW Tag Team Titles tonight. We get formal ring introductions from Samantha Irvin now.

Priest attacks Jimmy to start. Priest gets sent to the apron, then kicked to the floor. Jimmy looks to nail a dive but he puts the brakes on as Priest moves. Jimmy follows but has to stop and drop Dominik as he approaches from behind. Priest charges and launches Jimmy over the announce table with a big pounce.

They bring it back in and Dominik tags in. Dominik unloads on Jimmy and stomps away to keep him down. Dominik mounts Jimmy with right hands as Rhea Ripley and Finn Balor yell words of encouragement from ringside. Priest tags back in and levels Jimmy with a big kick for a 2 count. Priest puts a knee to the back to keep Jimmy down. We see Paul Heyman, Solo Sikoa and Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns watching from backstage. Priest with a kidney shot while Jimmy is down on the middle rope. Jimmy levels Priest with a lariat out of nowhere.

Jey tags in and unloads on Dominik as he also tags in. Jey mounts offense and nails a Samoan Drop as Ripley barks from ringside. Jey with the Rikishi Splash in the corner for a 2 count. Jey and Dominik trade shots. Jey drops him with a kick. Priest tags in and rocks Jey. Priest doesn’t see the tag, and now he gets double teamed.

Sami rallies the crowd as Jimmy goes to the top but has to come off and knock Dominik off the apron. Priest rocks Jimmy as he tries to fly in from the apron. Priest drops Jey with a big right hand as well. Priest takes turns on both champions, then hits a Broken Arrow to Jey. Priest runs the ropes for a dive but Jimmy superkicks him. Priest levels Jimmy with a superkick of his own to send him to the floor. Priest runs the ring and leaps out, taking The Usos down at ringside. Priest brings Jimmy back in for a big lariat but Jimmy kicks out just in time. Priest can’t believe it, and the same goes for Zayn. Priest kicks Jey off the apron. Jimmy is on Priest’s shoulders now, and Dominik leaps off the top to slam him to the mat. Dominik covers but Jimmy kicks out just in time as Ripley yells at the referee.

Jimmy counters a move and in comes Jey. They level Dominik with double superkicks, then Priest. A second double superkick to Priest puts him down. Jey covers for 2 as Balor looks worried. Jey is limping now. He goes to the top but Balor crotches him. The referee catches Balor, then ejects him to the back as fans go wild. Balor argues with the referee as other officials come to escort him to the back. Jey leaps off the top with a big splash but Priest holds the pin for 2. Jey superkicks Priest. Jimmy follows up with the top rope Uso splash as Ripley screams out. Priest still kicks out somehow. Jimmy runs the ring and leaps out, taking Priest down at ringside.

Jimmy tries to bring Priest back in but his leg goes out. Jimmy is down at ringside as Jey and Sami check on him. The referee also tends to Jimmy now as two medics join them. Fans chant “Sami!” as Jimmy is helped to the back. Adam Pearce comes out and the referee confirms Jimmy can’t continue. Pearce says protocol dictates The Usos must forfeit the match and the titles. Sami says maybe there’s a solution, just wait. He says one Uso is down but Sami Uso is good to go. Sami begs Pearce to let him defend the titles with Jey. Fans pop. Pearce says he did it for The Judgment Day before, so he will let this happen. The match continues now.

We see Reigns, Sikoa and Heyman watching backstage as Sami and Jey rush the ring to brawl with Priest and Mysterio. Jey sends Dominik out but Priest sends Jey out. Sami sends Priest to the floor and nails a big dive as fans pop. Dominik ends up rolling Sami up and using the ropes for leverage, which almost gets the 3 count. Ripley and fans can’t believe it. Sami with a big Exploder to Dominik into the turnbuckles. Ripley is on the apron now. The referee yells at her to get down, allowing Priest to come from behind with South of Heaven to Zayn. Mysterio runs over and covers Sami but he kicks out. Everyone is shocked.Dominik goes for 619 to Sami but Jey cuts him off with a superkick. Ripley is in the ring now, taunting Jey and telling h to bring it, saving Dominik from a superkick. Dominik dropkicks Jey from behind, then nails 619.

Dominik goes to the top and hits the Frogsplash on Jey but Sami breaks the pin up just in time. Priest grabs Sami but misses in the corner, hits the ring post, and falls to the floor. Dominik sends Sami to the floor from behind. Dominik blocks a Samoan Drop. Jey superkicks Dominik. Sami tags in and they hit the 1D to Mysterio in the middle of the ring. Sami covers for the pin to retain.

Winners: The Usos

After the match, Sami and The Usos celebrate to a big pop. We see Reigns, Sikoa and Heyman backstage again. Reigns tells Heyman he does not want to see Zayn until the Royal Rumble. Do you understand me? We go back to Zayn and The Usos celebrating.


Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2023 > January 23rd
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2023 > January 23rd


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