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  Monday Night Raw Results – January 9th, 2023

We are told which teams will be in the Tag Team Turnoil match and it will be the Street Profits, Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander, Otis and Chad Gable, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows, and THE Judgment Day.

We see THE Judgment Day walking in the garage and it is almost time for MizTV.

Miz TV:

We go back to the ring for another must see episode of MizTV and out comes The Miz while Mike Rome does the introductions. Miz welcomes everyone and says he outdid himself tonight. He’s had a lot of notable guests, like John Cena and Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns, but on the first MizTV of 2023, he’s going to give an exclusive look at our justice system. Miz calls on everyone to give it up for The Judgment Day’s bad boy. The music hits and out comes The Judgment Day – Dominik Mysterio, Finn Balor, Damian Priest, and Rhea Ripley. Dominik is dressed like a gang member as Graves talks up his time in jail.

Ripley and Dominik take a seat while Priest and Balor stand. Dominik learned in prison that you always roll with your crew. He also learned that snitches get stitches. Miz says everyone wants to know what happened in jail. Dominik says imagine being locked up with the world’s most dangerous people, not knowing when your next meal is coming, and it’s push or be pushed. He did a lot of thinking and decided he had to do what he had to do if he was ever going to see Ripley on the other side. When life comes at you with terrible changes, you have to just grab it by the balls, kind of how Maryse does with you.

Miz says this isn’t about him. Priest says it sure isn’t. Priest wants Dominik to tell about how he had to set that one guy straight in jail. Dominik recalls how he heard his celly talking about wanting to punch him in the face. Dominik says he slapped the guy and asked him if they had a problem, and that was that. Miz says that must’ve been a traumatic experience. He calls on the crowd to give him a round of applause for telling this traumatic experience. Dominik says he knows exactly how Martha Stewart felt. Miz says his sources told him how Dominik only spent a few hours in county jail. The Judgment Day steps to The Miz now. Miz isn’t sure of Dominik’s story, but Priest threatens him. Miz says maybe he was misinformed. Priest says Dominik will be ringside to watch he and Balor win tonight’s main event, and then they’re coming for Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos. Priest goes to threaten Miz again but the music interrupts and out comes Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson of The O.C.

#1 Contenders Tag Team Turmoil: The O.C. vs. The Judgment Day vs. The Street Profits vs. Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander vs. Alpha Academy

Balor kicks Anderson but Anderson with a punch and uppercut in the corner. Balor with a chop and shoulders in the corner. Balor with an Irish whip and a running chop in the corner. Anderson with a knee and he sends Balor into the corner and Balor with boots. Anderson with a leg lariat for a near fall. Gallows tags in and they hit a double shoulder tackle. Gallows with elbows to the collarbone. Gallows with a punch and Anderson tags in. Anderson with a chop and Gallows tags back in. Gallows with a punch and he sends Balor into the turnbuckles Gallows with peek a boo uppercuts. Balor with a kick to the leg and Priest tags in.

Gallows with a kick and Irish whip followed by a splash. Priest with a forearm and kicks. Gallows with a round kick to the temple. Gallows misses a boot and Priest kicks Gallows in the leg. Balor tags in and he kicks Gallows in the leg. Balor wraps Gallows’ leg in the ropes. Balor with kicks to the leg. Gallows with a forearm to the back and Priest tags in and kicks Gallows in the leg. Priest with an Irish whip and an elbow in the corner. Gallows blocks a suplex and Priest blocks a suplex. Gallows with a suplex and Anderson tags in.

Anderson with chops and uppercuts. He knocks Balor off the apron and Priest misses a splash into the corner. Anderson with a chop and Priest with an Irish whip. Priest misses a splash in the corner and Anderson with a jumping thrust kick. Anderson punches Balor and then Priest sends Anderson into the ring steps while Balor talks to the referee.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Anderson with a neck breaker to Balor. Gallows makes the tag and he connects with clotheslines and an uppercut. Gallows with a hip into the corner and a flying back elbow. Gallows with a punch and thrust kick to Priest. Gallows with a pump handle slam for a near fall. Anderson tags in and Gallows gets Balor up but Dominik trips Anderson and Balor with a rollup for the three count.

Segment Two: Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin vs. Damian Priest and Finn Balor

Alexander with a suicide dive to Balor and Shelton goes after Priest. Alexander with an Irish whip but Balor with a rollup for a near fall. Alexander with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Shelton tags in and he kicks Balor. Shelton with a suplex for a near fall. Balor punches Shelton Shelton with a clothesline and Alexander tags in. Alexander with forearms for a near fall. Alexander with a kick to the back and a rear chin lock. Cedric has some words for Priest and Shelton tags in. Shelton with a forearm to the back and he goes for a power bomb but Balor lands on his feet. Shelton with a spinning heel kick. Priest tags in and Shelton with German suplexes to Priest and Balor. Shelton with a running knee into the corner and Alexander tags in. Shelton sends Priest to Alexander for a jumping knee and he gets a near fall. Shelton sends Balor to the floor. Alexander with elbows to the back and he applies a waist lock. Alexander with a Neuralizer for a near fall. Priest with a forearm but Alexander with a drop kick. Balor tags in and Priest with South of Heaven. Priest stops Shelton and Balor with Coup de Grace for the three count.

Segment Three: Otis and Chad Gable vs. Finn Balor and Damian Priest

We are back and Balor with boots to Gable followed by sling blade. Priest tags in and hits Broken Arrow for a near fall. Priest with a side head lock. Gable with punches to Priest and Priest with an elbow in the corner. Balor tags in and Priest with a snap mare. Balor with a slingshot boot to Gable. Balor with a back breaker and Priest with a leg drop for a near fall. Priest sends Gable to the floor and Balor helps Gable up and chops him. Balor with shoulders against the apron. Balor sends Gable back into the ring and hits an elbow drop to the back.

Balor poses with his foot on Gable’s back. Balor with a reverse chin lock. Balor with a knee to the midsection and he has some words for Otis. Chad with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Otis and Priest tag in and Otis with a shoulder tackle and a spinning back fist. Otis with a body block to Priest and a slam to Balor. Otis with a splash in the corner and then he Irish whips Priest into Balor and Otis with a splash to both men. Otis looks around as Priest falls to the mat and it is time for the Caterpillar and elbow drop. Balor comes off the turnbuckles and Otis catches Balor and hits a power slam. Balor pulls Gable on top of him when Otis hits the Vader Bomb. Priest kicks Otis and hits a clothesline for the three count.

The medical staff checks on Balor who appears to have injured his ribs. Pearce says if Balor is medically disqualified they forfeit. Priest says he will do it himself. Pearce tells Priest they can forfeit or Dom takes Balor’s spot. Priest says Dom will take Balor’s spot.

Dominik Mysterio and Damian Priest vs. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins

The Street Profits make their way to the ring as we go to commercial.

Dawkins kicks Dominik and removes his flannel shirt. Ford tags in and he hits a drop kick. Dominik begs for mercy and Ford kicks Dom in the corner. Ford with a chop and Dawkins tags in and chops Dom. Ford tags in and both men chop and kick Dom. Ford with a forearm to the back and Dawkins tags in. We see Balor sitting uncomfortably in a chair at ringside.

Dawkins with a forearm. Dom with punches and kicks. Dawkins with an Irish whip and twisting splash into the corner. Ford tags in and punches Dom. Ford kicks Dom and stomps on the ribs. Ford gets a near fall. Dawkins tags in and he biels Dom across the ring and Priest tags in while Rhea yells at Kevin. Ford wants to tag in and Dawkins allows it. Ford shuffles around and Priest with a punch and he sends Ford into the corner. Priest with punches and kicks in the corner. Dawkins comes in and Priest chokes Ford in the ropes while the referee deals with Dawkins. Priest with a forearm and hard Irish whip. Priest kicks Ford in the ribs and follows with another hard Irish whip. Priest with a forearm. Ford with punches and elbows. Ford with a chop and he flips over Priest. Ford avoids a kick and punches. Priest blocks a kick and Ford with a back fist and Priest is pissed and bleeding from the mouth.

Ford drops down and Priest goes over the top rope to the floor. Dom tries to interfere and Ford chases Dom to the floor but Priest with a POUNCE that sends Ford over the announce table. Dawkins with a flip dive onto Dom and Priest.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Priest punches Dawkins and gets a near fall. Dom tags in and he punches Dawkins. Dom with a reverse chin lock. Dawkins tries to escape the hold but Dom holds on to it. Dawkins with an arm drag and forearms. Dawkins with a sunset flip and he gets a near fall because Dom isn’t his father so you can sunset flip him. Dom with a forearm and Priest tags in and kicks Dawkins. Priest with a slam and he gets a near fall. Ford yells at Rhea and Rhea yells back at him.

Dom tags back in and Dawkins with punches. Dom sends Dawkins into the ropes and Dom sets for a 619 but Dawkins gets off the ropes and hits a flying back elbow. Ford tags in and he hits a cross body onto both en. Ford drop kicks Priest to the floor. Ford with a clothesline and a back heel kick and an enzuigiri. Ford with a belly-to-back suplex and a standing moonsault for a near fall. Dawkins tosses Dom to Ford for a German suplex and Dawkins gets a near fall. Dawkins gets Dom up and Dom gets to his feet and he tags in Priest. Priest with a punch to Dawkins and a leaping flatliner to Ford. Priest with a clothesline to Dawkins for a near fall. Priest goes for a springboard move but Dawkins with a forearm. Ford tags in and Dom makes the tag. Ford with a rana and Dawkins with a kick. Priest sends Dawkins over the ringside barrier and Ford with a flip dive over Dominik onto Priest on the floor. Ford goes up top and hits a 450 splash but Priest pulls Ford out of the ring on the cover. Ford avoids Priest and Priest goes into the ring steps. Dom with a rollup and his feet on the ropes for the three count.

Winner: The Judgment Day

After the match, the music hits as The Judgment Day quickly regroups at the bottom of the ramp as The Profits try to recover in the ring. We go to replays. The music interrupts and out comes The Usos now. The Usos face off at ringside with The Judgment Day, raising their titles in the air. The intense face-off continues as RAW goes off the air.


Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2023 > January 9th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2023 > January 9th


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