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  Monday Night Raw Results – September 12, 2022

We are live! Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves and Byron Saxton greet audiences at home as Seth “Freakin” Rollins heads to the ring.

Rollins grabs a mic and welcomes fans to “Monday Night Rollins”. He asks the crowd if they believe in karma before saying he was sceptical about it until he beat Matt Riddle at Clash At The Castle in front of 60,000 fans. Rollins addresses Riddle’s request for a rematch and says he isn’t interested in it. Rollins says he’s been pondering what’s next for him over the past week and says it has been far too long since he’s held championship gold.

Riddle’s music hits and he heads to the ring to a massive pop. Riddle charges at Rollins and the two men go at it. Riddle delivers a series of kicks before tossing him out of the ring. Rollins sends Riddle’s head into the announce desk before retreating. Riddle chases him and the two head into the crowd. Rollins manages to escape before heading to the back. Riddle goes to chase him, but Judgment Day’s music hits before he can pursue him.

Balor and Priest slowly walk to the ring. Balor says they aren’t there to fight as Priest tells him to take it easy. Priest says they’re there to offer him a spot in their group. He says they have history before Balor says that Riddle has watched Dominik Mysterio step out of his father’s shadow. Balor says that they can help Riddle with his problems. Riddle declines their offer before Balor says that you either stand with Judgment Day or are in their way. Riddle knocks Priest and Balor to the outside as he stands tall.

Matt Riddle vs. Finn Balor

Back from the break, a match between Riddle and Balor has been made official. Riddle delivers a kick, followed by a senton. He goes for a pin, but Balor kicks out. Balor targets Riddle’s leg before sending him to the mat. He stomps on Riddle’s neck, then hits a back elbow. Balor delivers a neck breaker, then goes for a pin but Riddle kicks out.

Riddle manages to send Balor to the outside, then goes for a kick off the apron but Priest inserts himself between the two men. Balor then looks for a stomp, but Riddle moves out of the way. Riddle hits several kicks before Balor delivers a swinging neck breaker on the apron.

Back from the break, Balor knocks Riddle to the mat. Riddle fires back with a Fisherman’s Suplex, followed by a few chops. He delivers a kick before hitting a couple of forearms and a suplex. Balor rolls to the outside as Riddle follows and delivers a running kick on the apron. He goes flying before tossing Balor back in the ring.

Riddle delivers a ripcord knee, then ascends to the top but Priest causes a distraction. Balor rolls him up, but Riddle kicks out. Balor hits a swinging neck breaker as Rey Mysterio comes out of nowhere and levels Damian Priest. Riddle hits the Bro To Sleep, followed by a German Suplex. He goes for a pin, but Balor kicks out. Riddle looks for the Floating Bro, but Balor gets the knees up. He delivers a drop kick, but Riddle fires back with a DDT off the ropes. Seth Rollins runs down to the ring, allowing Balor to take advantage and hit the Coup De Grace for the win.

Winner: Finn Balor

After the match, Rollins delivers a Curb Stomp to Riddle before telling him it’s over and he should move on.

-later that night-

Back from the break, Edge heads to the ring. Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley follow.

Edge vs. Dominik Mysterio (w/ Rhea Ripley)

The bell rings and Edge pushes Mysterio into the corner. He sends him face first into the turnbuckle, followed by a bodyslam. Edge clotheslines Mysterio, then delivers a baseball dropkick that sends Mysterio out of the ring. Edge sends Mysterio off the barricade. He sends Mysterio’s head off the announce desk, then into the ring steps. He delivers a kick, then tosses him back in the ring. Ripley trips Edge on the apron, allowing Mysterio to push him into the ring steps.

Back from the break, Mysterio is targeting Edge’s leg. He hits three suplexes on Edge. The two men teeter on the ropes, but Ripley pushes Edge off and delivers a Frog Splash. He goes for a pin, but Edge kicks out. Edge sends Mysterio into the ring post shoulder first, the follows it up with a flapjack and a clothesline. Edge hits a DDT, then looks for the Spear. Mysterio reverses it into a Half Boston Crab. Edge escapes and ties Mysterio up in the ropes. He hits ten right hands to Mysterio’s head, then looks for the Spear again, but Rey runs down and steps between the two men. Priest drags him out of the ring and sends Rey into the announce desk. Balor runs down and goes after Edge as the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: N/A (via disqualification)

Rhea Ripley grabs a chair and gives it to Mysterio. Mysterio hits Edge’s leg with it several times before Priest sets it up on the chair and Balor hits a Coup De Grace.


Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2022 > September 12th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2022 > September 12th


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