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  NXT Results-January 29th,2020

We see footage of Finn Balor attacking Trent Seven last night and Finn warns Trent to stay out of his business.

Match Number One: Finn Balor versus Trent Seven

Balor with a baseball slide to Seven as Trent rolls into the ring. Balor kicks Seven on the floor. The ring sounds to start the match and Balor with kicks to the ribs. Balor chokes Seven on the ropes. Balor with more kicks. Balor with a snap mare and boots to Seven’s chest. Balor with a drop kick through the ropes and Seven is sent into the guardrails. Seven is sent into the apron and guardrails. Balor with more kicks to Seven followed by a rear chin lock. Seven with a chop and Balor with a double leg take down and a double stomp for a near fall. Balor with a slam and snap elbow drop for a near fall. Balor with a kick to the ribs. Seven with an inside cradle for a near fall.

Seven with a chop but Balor with slingblade. Balor chokes Seven with his boot. Balor with more kicks to the head followed by a chop. Balor with more kicks. Balor with a chop followed by an Irish whip and chop into the corner. Balor with another Irish whip and chop for a near fall. Balor with a forearm to the back of the head followed by a chop. Balor slams Seven’s head into the mat. Balor chokes Seven in the ropes. Balor chokes Seven in the ropes again.

Seven runs into the corner and Balor with a drop toe hold into the turnbuckles followed by kicks for a near fall. Balor with a boot to the head. Balor with a chin lock using Seven’s arm for extra pressure. Seven with a chop and Seven wtih a DDT. Seven with a chop in the corner. Seven with another chop and Irish whip but Seven runs into boots. Seven with a Dragon suplex and back fist followed by a Seven Star Lariat for a near fall. Seven knocks Balor off the apron and into the guardrails. Seven with a suicide dive. Seven goes to the turnbuckles but he takes too much time and Balor hits Seven in the back of the legs and Seven lands hard on the mat.

Balor sends Seven into the turnbuckles. Balor with a running drop kick that sends Seven into the turnbuckles. Balor goes up top for Coup de Grace and hits it. Balor with 1916 for the three count.

Winner: Finn Balor

After the match, Balor tells Gargano that he is coming for him.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > NXT > 2020 > January 29th (NXT)
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > NXT UK > 2020 > January 29th (NXT)


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