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  WWE Elimination Chamber Results – February 17th, 2019

Bobby Lashley (c) & Lio Rush vs. Finn Balor

If Balor can pin either man, he wins the Intercontinental Title. Lio starts off and Lashley is on the apron. Before they engage, Lio backs off and tags in Lashley. Lashley immediately hits a knee to the midsection of Balor, and continues the offense with clubbing blows. Balor fights back with a series of kicks, and Lashley rolls outside to regroup with Lio. Back in the ring, Lashley comes back and slams Balor down. Balor starts fighting back, but he gets distracted by Lio, and Lashley slams Balor down. They fight on the apron and Balor knocks Lashley down to the floor. Balor looks for a suicidedive, but Lio grabs his foot from the apron. Balor chases Rush around the ring until Lashley tackles Balor down hard. Back in the ring, Lashley suplexes Balor down, then he tags in Lio. Lio kicks Balor while he’s down, then he tags Lashley back in. Lashley and Lio trade tags now to take turns beating on Balor. Balor fights back against Lio, so Lio rolls away and tags in Lashley. Lashley spears Balor into the corner, then hits a big slam and Balor is down. Lio tags in and goes for a frog splash, but Balor rolls out of the way. Balor knocks Lashley off the apron, then he throws Lio down and hits the Coup De Grace on him. Balor pins for the three count to win the Intercontinental Championship.

Winner & new Intercontinental Champion: Finn Balor

After the bell, Lashley chases Balor out of the ring, and Balor celebrates up the ramp. Lashley does not look happy with Lio Rush now. Lashley grabs Lio by the neck, but lets go, and the crowd boos. Lashley changes his mind and picks Lio back up, then slams him down with a big spinebuster. Lashley heads to the back while Lio is down in the ring.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Pay-Per-View > 2019 > Elimination Chamber
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Pay-Per-View > 2019 > Elimination Chamber


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