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  WWE NXT Results – January 8th, 2020

We see recent happenings between Finn Balor and Johnny Gargano. Gargano will be here tonight. Back to commercial.

We go to the ring and out comes Johnny Gargano to a mixed reaction.

Gargano says he’s been waiting a long time to get a live mic to talk about The Prince. The boos get louder. Gargano says he’s not going to take anything away from what Finn Balor did for NXT, for building the brand, and he won’t take anything away from Balor putting him on the shelf for a few months. But all of that is the past. Gargano says Balor likes to say his future is his past, and now his past is standing in the ring because Balor didn’t finish the job when he had him on the ramp.

Gargano goes on and talks about how Balor couldn’t wait to put the NXT flag down and get the hell out of here to the main roster. Gargano says he got the same phone call from WWE but he turned it down and stayed here, because when he says he loves this place, he actually means it. More fans cheer for Gargano now as the “Johnny Wrestling!” chant starts up, but there’s still a mixed reaction overall. Gargano talks about how he came to NXT and took it to new heights, with the fans, but without Balor because he abandoned the place. Gargano says NXT left Balor behind and that eats Balor alive, it eats him alive that NXT didn’t need him. The music finally interrupts and out comes Balor.

Balor congratulates Gargano on the promo and says maybe he should be called Johnny Promo now because that’s the only thing doctors will clear him for. Balor admits Gargano cost him the NXT Title a few weeks back. Gargano laughs and Balor threatens to knock his head off. Balor goes on and calls him soft. Balor says he will give Gargano his match at “Takeover: Portland” on February 16, if Gargano makes it that far. Balor drops the mic and they stare each other down as the music hits.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > NXT > 2020 > January 8th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > NXT > 2020 > January 8th


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