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  WWE NXT Results – May 4th, 2021

We see footage of Finn Balor arriving to the building earlier today. Back to commercial.

We go back to the ring and out comes NXT Champion Karrion Kross with Scarlett. They do their unique entrance and Kross ends it by pounding on his chest as the crowd responds with a mixed reaction.

Kross says he made it crystal clear three weeks ago – all you have to do is step up and roll the dice. Instead he was met with people saying they’re not afraid of him. Well Kross isn’t afraid of them either. Now that we’ve established that, what are we waiting for? Kross says let’s give the people what they want, a fight. That’s how this works, he’s the NXT Champion and doesn’t have to go prove himself to anyone, they have to come to him. Kross says he’s going to dive bomb Austin Theory on his head next week, and leave him face-down unconscious and for anybody else that’s still… the music interrupts and out comes Kyle O’Reilly.

O’Reilly takes a mic and says he gets it, he gets why Kross thinks everyone should be afraid. Sheer dominance, right? O’Reilly says he’s sensing a little hostility so he’s going to make this clear. He came out here to tell Kross to his face that he’s not afraid, and with all due respect, Kross is the NXT Champion so this is the match O’Reilly wants. O’Reilly says something tells him this is the match Kross wants also, so let’s give the WWE Universe… the music interrupts and out comes Pete Dunne to boos.

Dunne doesn’t care who wants to see this match and he doesn’t care about the new Kyle O’Reilly, and he doesn’t care that Kross stands here as NXT Champion because the truth is Dunne is the baddest man in NXT. He challenges Kross and O’Reilly to try and prove him wrong. Dunne throws the mic down and stares at them but the music interrupts and out comes Finn Balor making his return.

Balor says he’s been there and done that on Dunne and O’Reilly, twice for O’Reilly. Balor addresses Kross and says once he’s done with Theory… Balor stops speaking and quickly decks him. Kross eats it and levels Balor with a forearm. Dunne decks O’Reilly and then ends up attacking Kross from behind but Kross dumps him over the top rope. Balor fights Kross but Kross fights him off. Kross fights O’Reilly off next. Balor with the running dropkick to Kross in the corner, sending him into O’Reilly. Kross and Balor continue brawling as security takes O’Reilly away.

Security tries to go in the ring but Balor and Kross fight them off as well. Kross levels one guard with a Doomsday Saito suplex. Security backs Balor up the ramp, telling him he has to go to the back. Kross raises the NXT Title in the ring as Balor stares him down. Theory and NXT North American Champion Johnny Gargano attack Kross from behind but he fights them off. Kross launches Theory with a Doomsday but Gargano then superkicks him. Kross grabs Gargano by his throat but Theory makes the save. Kross takes a double superkick next as fans boo. Gargano charges with a belt shot to the face of Kross now as the boos get louder. Gargano and Theory make their exits as we go to commercial.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > NXT > 2021 > May 4th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > NXT > 2021 > May 4th


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