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  WWE Royal Rumble Results – January 27th, 2019

Universal Championship: Finn Balor vs. Brock Lesnar

No Demon Bálor. Bálor wore red trunks and knee pads with white boots. Bálor went crazy on Lesnar early on, but Lesnar caught him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Lesnar cleared an announce table but Bálor pushed him into the corner of the table. Lesnar fought back and gave Bálor another belly-to-belly, but he’s selling his midsection from the table spot.

Bálor caught Lesnar with a slingblade, but Lesnar came right back with a clothesline. Lesnar is still really selling hard. He went for the F5 but Bálor countered into a DDT for a nearfall. The crowd was really into it. Bálor then hit consecutive flip dives. The crowd called for another one, so Bálor did it again. The crowd is way more into this than the previous match.

Bálor hit the Coup de Grace, but Lesnar kicked out and immediately applied the kimura lock. Bálor fought briefly but tapped out. Lesnar retains. Short match, but it was fun and Bálor looked good. He got a lot of offense.

After the match, Lesnar gave Bálor three German suplexes. Lesnar’s music played, he posed for a bit, then gave Bálor an F5 as the crowd booed. Hopefully, Bálor gets something out of this.

Winner: Brock Lesnar (retains the title)

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Pay-Per-View > 2019 > Royal Rumble
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Pay-Per-View > 2019 > Royal Rumble


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