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  WWE TLC Results – December 16th, 2018

Drew McIntyre vs. Finn Balor

Collar and elbow, McIntyre backing him into the corner and breaking with a forearm when referee John Cone demands it but Balor ducks and throws a chop that does nothing! Drew hammers him with strikes, stomps his hand, whip across into a front kick but Finn floats out of a slam. Leg kicks, cut off, McIntyre stomping the legs, big chop in the corner but Balor slips away and takes his leg out at the knee with a dropkick!


Drew hosses him into the corner off a front chancery, setting him up top and joining him, jawing, Balor slips out and kicks his leg out from under him and stomps away at the knee for good measure! To the apron, up top but McIntyre grabs him and belly-to-belly suplexes him across the ring! Kneeling on him, forearm connects, demanding that Finn fight back and fending off a sunset flip before hitting another huge belly-to-belly suplex!


Following it up with a kneeling armbar, Balor slips out, more leg kicks and Drew gets a twisting suplex for two! Back to the kneeling armbar but Finn rallies in the corner. Flying forearms, double leg denied, powerbomb lift, float over, double leg into the double stomp! Charging chop, up and over, off the ropes, satellite DDT! Off the ropes… TOPE CON GIRO!


Back inside, Sling Blade begets a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and Drew gets a nearfall out of it! Rolling solebutt, inverted Alabama Slam reversed to a victory roll pin for two! Enzuigiri from the apron, headed up top, jockeying for position… AVALANCHE AIR RAID CRASH CAN’T PUT FINN AWAY! Dumping Balor to the floor, when he follows Finn traps him in the ring skirt and goes a-stomping, shades of Roderick Strong at Evolve 38!


Looking to put the exclamation point on it and Drew trips him face-first into the corner of the ring! Big headbutt to follow, throwing Balor back inside… AND DOLPH ZIGGLER’S HERE WITH A SUPERKICK WHILE REFEREE JOHN CONE IS OCCUPIED! He gets a chair but McIntyre kicks it into his face and throws him inside! Smashing the chair into the ringpost, but when he comes back inside…


Finn Balor wins by pinfall with the Coup de Grace.


Backstage, Finn Balor is interviewed.


He says he doesn’t know what Dolph was doing out there and speak of the devil, he rolls up and tells Finn he didn’t have a chance. Balor tells him to keep his nose out of his business and Ziggler attacks, throwing him over some road cases!


Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Pay-Per-View > 2018 > TLC
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Pay-Per-View > 2018 > TLC


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