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  March 3rd, 2016  
  WWE NXT Results – March 2, 2016

Finn Bálor vs. Neville

The fans chant ‘This is awesome’ before the two even lock up. Balor and Neville feel each other out in the opening stages but Balor eventually gets his opponent down to the mat. Neville gets back up and hits a hiptoss , performs a cartwheel and then a dropkick. Lots of very cool flips in the early parts of this match, and Balor gets his own back for the dropkick earlier with one of his own. Snap suplex from Neville for a kickout. Neville throws Balor into the corner, forcing him to fall over as we head to a break.


Neville still has the upperhand when we get back and has Balor in a sleeper hold. Balor nearly fights out but is taken back down by a clothesline. Neville has Balor in the corner, and when ‘the man that gravity forgot’ goes to run at the NXT Champion, Balor forces Neville over the top rope and onto the outside. He gets back in at the count of 8 and the two now find themselves both outside of the ring. Neville is standing on the apron and jumps off the middle rope, backwards, onto Balor.


They’re both back in the ring and Neville is controlling the match. Balor forces his way back in with a series of kicks and slaps and then gives The Geordie a Pele kick. Balor throws Neville from one corner to another, giving him a chop to the chest in each corner. Neville is now on the outside again, and Balor hits a dropkick through the ropes before running along the apron with a kick to the head. Balor goes for Bloody Sunday but Neville reverses and ends up hitting a German Suplex. He gets another German resulting in a 2 count.


Neville goes for the top rope looking for the Red Arrow but Balor gets up to stop. Neville knocks him back down with a kick to the head and goes looking for it again, but Balor denies him again with a kick to the head that knocks him out of the ring. Balor dives over the top of the ropes and onto Neville. He throws him back in the ring, looking for Coup de Grace but Neville stops him. The two are now both on the top rope and Neville hits a hurricarana from there. He looks for his finisher again but Balor rolls out the way. Neville lands on his feet but runs into a swingblade. Neville nearly steals the match with a pin out of no where for a 2 count. Balor hits a massive clothesline, a dropkick, then the Coup de Grace and finally Bloody Sunday for the victory.


Winner: Finn Bálor

Related Links, Photos & More:

»FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > NXT > 2016 > March 2nd
»FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > NXT > 2016 > March 2nd

  March 1st, 2016  
  NXT Champion Finn Bálor faces Neville this Wednesday on WWE Network

NXT Champion Finn Bálor has faced – and survived – every test put in front of him since winning the title last July. The champion’s resolve puts him among the elite in NXT history, as he comes closer to having the longest NXT Championship reign ever.

Seeking to test the champion once again, NXT General Manager William Regal has lined up a major opponent for Bálor: The Superstar who held the NXT Championship longer than anyone, and The Man That Gravity Forgot, Neville!


Can Finn Bálor once again show the tenacity that brought him to the top of NXT, or will Neville show that no NXT Champion, past or present, is greater than him? Find out this Wednesday at 8/7 C, only on WWE Network!

  February 6th, 2016  
  Football helmets get a WWE spin

With the biggest game on the NFL calendar going down this Sunday, we imagined what would happen if the league expanded to feature teams based on your favorite WWE and NXT Superstars and Divas. Game on!

Orlando Demons (Finn Bálor)
If the Dallas Cowboys are America’s Team, then the Orlando Demons are the World’s Team considering how well-traveled they are. From Ireland to Mexico to Japan to Florida, this squad has dominated everywhere.

Related Links, Photos & More:
»FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Football helmets get a WWE spin

  February 4th, 2016  
  WWE NXT Results – February 3

Backstage Finn Bálor says Crews will not have to wonder any longer. What would have happened when they first faced off will happen tonight.

Finn Bálor vs Apollo Crews
Bálor and Crews spends the first minute or so feeling each other out. Bálor ends up with a side headlock on Crews. Crews tries to get some separation by hitting the ropes, but Bálor holds on to the headlock. Crews stands up and almost suplexes Bálor, but Bálor rolls through and headlock takeovers (pun intended) Crews. Bálor has successfully grounded Crews to this point, which is an excellent strategy.

After a short break Bálor rolls through a Crews’ sunset flip attempt and drop kicks him right in the face. Bálor immediately slaps on an arm bar. Bálor seems to be targeting Crews’ head and shoulder area. Bálor penalty kicks Crews for another two count. That was a vicious strike. The match could have been over after a move like that on a lesser opponent.

Crews surprises Bálor with a clothesline out of the corner. Bálor tries to avoid the charging Crews by going to the outside. Crews moonsaults off the apron, but Bálor moves out of the way. Bálor dives over the top onto Crews. Crews gets back in the ring but Bálor goes up top and hits the diving double foot stomp to the back of Crews’ head. Crews somehow manages to kick out. Bálor charges Crews but runs right into a Samoan drop. Crews misses the high enzguri and Bálor sling blades him. Bálor eats a big boot by Crews. Crews gorilla press slams Bálor and the standing moonsault for a long two count.

Crews tries the tossing powerbomb, but Bálor flips out of it. Bálor sling blades Crews again, followed by the bullet drop kick into the corner. Bálor goes up top and destroys Crews with the Coup de gras. Crews is already stirring on the mat. Bálor picks up Crews and obliterates him with the bloody Sunday. That’s all she wrote.

Winner- Finn Bálor

After the match Bálor and Crews shake hands.

Related Links, Photos & More:
»FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > NXT > 2016 > February 3
»FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > NXT > 2016 > February 3

  January 28th, 2016  
  WWE NXT Spoilers: 03/23/2016 – 03/30/2016

[spoiler]March 23rd Episode:
– NXT Champion Finn Balor defeated Rich Swann with Bloody Sunday in a fun non-title match

March 30th Episode:
– Samoa Joe defeated Bull Dempsey by submission but doesn’t let go of the hold. Regal sends a bunch of guys out to pull him off but Joe handles them all. Balor makes the save but Joe roughs him up. Finn fights back and even dives off the announce table during the brawl. Joe grabs Balor from behind but Balor fights him off again to end the show

  January 23rd, 2016  
  WWE NXT Spoilers: 03/02/2016

[spoiler]March 2nd Episode:

NXT champion Finn Balor beat Neville with Bloody Sunday in the main event. This was the match of the night. Balor then posed for the crowd and did the Bullet Club motion to close the taping.[/spoiler]


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