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  WWE Hell In a Cell 2022 Results

6-Person Mixed Tag Team Match
The Judgment Day (Edge, Damian Priest, and Rhea Ripley) vs. Liv Morgan, Finn Bálor, and AJ Styles

It will be Rhea Ripley, wearing new attire, starting against Liv Morgan. They get into an argument, and everyone is in the ring brawling all of a sudden. Styles, Morgan, and Bálor clear the ring. Bálor and Styles send Morgan into Ripley for a hurricanrana. Morgan hits a running back elbow on Ripley before hitting a high knee. Morgan charges, but Ripley floors her with a head-butt. Ripley takes a moment to gather herself before hitting Morgan with a snap suplex. Ripley connects with a delayed vertical suplex for a two-count. Ripley attacks Morgan, but Morgan comes back with a missile dropkick. Ripley quickly retreats to her corner. Morgan then tags in AJ Styles. Styles wants Edge, but Damian Priest comes in.

The crowd loudly boos as Priest comes in the ring. Styles blocks a kick and quickly attacks Priest. Styles dropkicks him back, ducks a clothesline, and hits a Pele Kick. Finn Bálor tags in and punches Priest in the ribs. Bálor wrenches the arm before applying a side headlock. Bálor hits the ropes and dropkicks Priest in the knee. Bálor wraps the knee around the ropes, but Priest forearms him in the head. Bálor fights back and scares Edge off. Priest attacks Bálor and sends him out of the ring. Edge tags in. Edge takes Bálor down at ringside before bouncing him off the commentary table and the apron. Edge gets Bálor in the ring and attacks. Priest tags in and punches away at Bálor. Edge gets a cheap shot in. Priest hits a back elbow on Bálor before taking him down for a two-count. Edge tags back in and kicks Bálor in the ribs. Edge whips him hard into the corner, but Bálor soon fights back. Edge quickly comes back with a flapjack. Priest tags in and stomps Bálor. Bálor fights back, but Priest clotheslines him down for a two-count. Bálor tries to make a tag, but Priest counters into a backbreaker for a near fall. Bálor comes back with a nasty chop and an overhead kick.

Edge and Styles tag in. Styles attacks Priest, but Priest wasn’t ready or in position. Styles takes Edge down before slamming Priest. Styles hits a diving forearm on Edge before connecting with the ushigoroshi for a near fall. Ripley runs in, but Morgan gets her out of the ring. Styles knees Priest and knocks Edge back. Styles hits Edge with a Phenomenal Forearm, but Priest pulls him out of the ring before the three-count.

Ripley and Morgan tag in. Ripley counts a hurricanrana into a powerbomb attempt, but Morgan counters into a roll-up for a two-count. Morgan hits a crucifix pin for another two-count. Ripley quickly comes back with a nasty full nelson suplex. They fumble a power spot into a slam from Ripley for a two-count. Ripley goes for a Riptide, but Morgan gets out and hits a spike DDT. Bálor tags in. Styles and Bálor take down Edge and Priest and get them out of the ring. Styles and Priest hit stereo planchas before Morgan hits Ripley with a suicide dive. Bálor gets Priest in the ring and kicks him down. Bálor goes to the top rope, but Ripley crotches him up there. Edge tags in, but Bálor fights them off. Priest hits South of Heaven on Bálor before turning into a Phenomenal Forearm from Styles. Edge gets Styles out of the ring and goes for a Spear on Bálor. Bálor counters into an inside cradle for a near fall. Bálor hits Edge with a Sling Blade before hitting a Woo Dropkick. Bálor goes to the top rope, but Ripley distracts him. Morgan gets Ripley out of the ring. Bálor misses the Coup de Grace, and Edge hits a Spear for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: The Judgment Day


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