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  May 20th, 2019  
  WWE Money In The Bank Results – May 19th, 2019

Men’s MITB Ladder Match: Baron Corbin vs. Ricochet vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Finn Balor vs. Andrade vs. Randy Orton vs. Ali
We go to the ring for tonight’s main event as Baron Corbin comes out first. Corbin makes Rome give him a better introduction. WWE Intercontinental Champion Finn Balor is out next, followed by Ricochet. Andrade is out next with Zelina Vega by his side. She hypes him up and heads back to the back. Ali is out next, followed by Drew McIntyre. Randy Orton is out next. The bell rings and the match starts with just 7 Superstars, no replacement for Sami Zayn. They all go at it to start as we see the briefcase hanging high above the ring. Orton slams Ali on top of the announce table early on.
There’s chaos everywhere early on. Orton slams Balor on the announce table next. Ricochet gets slammed on top of the table by Orton next. Fans chant for Orton while he’s alone in the ring with a ladder. Orton stands the ladder up. Andrade springboards in and knocks the ladder over but Orton avoids it. Drew and Corbin bring ladders in the ring now. Drew gets sent back out. Ali drops Corbin on his face. Ali flies out and sends Drew into the barrier. Ricochet blocks Andrade and sends him to the floor. Ricochet and Ali take turns ripping each other off the ladder.
Ali and Ricochet finally meet at the top of the ladder but Corbin and Drew pull them off and beat them down. Corbin launches Ali on to a ladder in the corner. Ricochet also gets launched into a ladder. Orton catches Corbin coming in the ring with a draping DDT from the second rope. Orton goes for a RKO on Corbin but Corbin shoves him off into a Claymore Kick from Drew. Balor with shots to Corbin and Drew now. Corbin stomps a ladder onto Corbin. Balor looks to stand a ladder up but he slams it onto Drew instead. Balor climbs the ladder for the briefcase but Andrade brings a ladder in to ram into him, sending Balor off the other ladder. Ricochet boots Andrade from the corner but Andrade shoves him off the top, out to the floor.
Andrade climbs for the briefcase now. Balor climbs up and meets him. They trade shots up high. Andrade hits a sunset flip from the top of the ladder, through another ladder that was bridged from the top rope. They both crash land hard as a “holy s–t!” chant breaks out.
Ali with a tornado DDT on Corbin and shots to others. Ali spikes Ricochet down onto the mat and he hits hard. Ali positions a ladder and climbs up for the briefcase but Andrade stops him. Andrade rocks Ali, leaving him hanging from the ladder. Andrade brings another ladder in and stands it up next to the ladder that Ali is hanging from. Andrade stomps on Ali while he’s upside down. Andrade climbs up. Ali pulls himself up and he also climbs for the case with Andrade. They trade shots up high. Ali hits a huge Spanish Fly from up top, driving Andrade down into the mat. Ali rolls to the floor in pain while a referee checks on Andrade on the apron.
Drew brings a ladder from under the ring and leans it on the announce table. Ali tries to stop him. Drew rocks Ali back down. Drew bridges a ladder from the apron to the announce table. Drew slaps Ali around and tries to put him on the ladder bridge but it backfires. Corbin comes over and chokeslams Ali through the Spanish announce table. Corbin smiles at Ali. Fans chant “you still suck!” at Corbin. Corbin turns on Drew and drops him. Corbin runs in to stop Balor from climbing the ladder. Corbin chokeslams Balor on the awkward edge of a ladder. Ricochet with a missile dropkick. Ricochet leaps out of the ring on Corbin but Corbin nails a big Deep Six to the floor. Drew with a big Claymore Kick to Corbin on the floor.
Balor climbs a ladder in the ring now. Drew comes in and rocks him to stop him. Drew rams a ladder into Balor in the corner. Drew with a big suplex to Balor on top of a ladder. Drew grabs Andrade and hits an Alabama Slam on top of Balor and the ladder. Drew pushes them off the ladder and stands it up under the briefcase. Ricochet comes flying in to take Drew out. Ricochet positions the ladder and climbs up but Drew grabs his leg and pulls him down. Drew manhandles Ricochet and tosses him out of the ring, through the ladder bridge to the announce table.
Drew climbs the ladder but Orton nails a big RKO outta nowhere to bring him down. Corbin sends Orton into the ring post and out of the ring. Corbin climbs up the ladder but Ali comes from behind, getting on Corbin’s back up high. Ali dumps Corbin over the top rope and hangs onto the apron. Ali climbs the ladder for the briefcase but the music interrupts and out comes Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman to a huge pop.
Lesnar enters the ring and shoves the ladder with Ali over. The crowd goes wild. Heyman barks orders at the apparent replacement for Sami Zayn. Lesnar stands a ladder up and climbs it. Lesnar stands up high on the ladder and yells out to the crowd. Lesnar unhooks the briefcase for the win.
Winner: Brock Lesnar
After the match, Lesnar stands up on the ladder and holds the briefcase as his music hits. The crowd is shocked. Bodies are down all over the outside of the ring. Lesnar looks down from the top of the ladder and smiles, laughing at everyone. The 2019 WWE Money In the Bank pay-per-view goes off the air with Lesnar clutching the briefcase from the top of the ladder.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Pay-Per-View > 2019 > Money In The Bank
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Pay-Per-View > 2019 > Money In The Bank

  May 15th, 2019  
  SmackDown Live Results – May 14th, 2019

Fatal 4 Way: Randy Orton vs. Ali vs. Andrade vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Finn Balor
We go to the ring for tonight’s Fatal 4 Way and out comes Randy Orton as Greg Hamilton does the introductions. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Rowan and Daniel Bryan are venting to Shane McMahon. Shane makes a 4-on-3 Handicap Match for tonight against The Usos and Roman Reigns. If The Miz interferes the Steel Cage match against Shane will be pulled from Sunday’s pay-per-view. We go back to the ring and Orton is standing with a ladder and a mic in the ring. We see the MITB briefcase hanging high above the ring. Orton talks about how he will win the briefcase for the second time on Sunday and then the three most dangerous letters for the WWE Champion will be RKO. Orton drops the mic. The music hits and out next comes Andrade with Zelina Vega. Vega and Andrade also talk about how he will be Mr. Money In the Bank after Sunday. Ali is out next, followed by WWE Intercontinental Champion Finn Balor for this non-title match.
Back from the break and the match is already underway. Orton works Ali around the ring. Balor tries to get involved but he gets kicked out of the ring. Ali unloads with strikes on Orton now. Orton catches Ali with a powerslam. Fans chant for the RKO now as Orton stalks Ali while he’s down. Orton rocks Ali with an uppercut. Ali catches Orton with a dropkick and Orton goes down. Orton runs into a back elbow in the corner. Ali blocks the RKO and drops a big DDT. Ali with a 2 count on Orton as Andrade breaks it up.
Andrade unloads on Ali in the corner as Vega barks orders. Ali ends up sending Andrade into the turnbuckles. Andrade comes back and turns Ali inside out with a big shot. Andrade ends up tossing Ali out of the ring to the floor. Balor drops Andrade in the corner. Balor rocks Andrade and Orton, knocking him off the apron. Balor with more offense to his opponents. Balor with an elbow to Orton’s throat. Balor kicks Andrade in the head from the apron.
Balor climbs to the top for the Coup de Grace but Andrade crotches him. Andrade with the running double knees to Balor in the corner. Balor kicks out at 2 and Vega isn’t happy. Vega looks under the ring and calls for Andrade to come get a ladder. Andrade brings two ladders out and slides one of them into the ring. Andrade rams the ladder into Balor. He charges with it but Ali superkicks him. Andrade falls back out to the floor. Ali leaps out over the top rope and hits a ladder in Andrade’s arms on the floor. They both hit hard and go down. We go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Andrade sends Balor into a ladder in the corner. More back and forth between everyone. Ali leaps off the top and Orton catches him with the RKO. Andrade ends up dropping Balor in the middle of the ring again. Andrade with the Hammerlock DDT for a close 2 count. Balor leaps out of the ring to take Ali and Orton down on the floor. Andrade and Balor tangle more in the middle of the ring. Andrade with another Hammerlock DDT for the pin to win.
Winner: Andrade

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Smackdown Live! > 2019 > May 14th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Smackdown Live! > 2019 > May 14th

  May 1st, 2019  
  SmackDown Live Results – April 30th, 2019

Finn Balor and Ali vs. Randy Orton and Andrade with Zelina Vega
Zelina gets on the microphone and says here it is. The best part of your night. When you get confirmation that the ring is going to get graced with the presence of Andrade. He gets on the microphone and says he has no respect for Balor. Ali, he has no respect for him. And for Randy Orton, “12 times world champion. Amigo, anytime you want to learn something, tag me in and I will teach you to respect Andrade” as the bell rings.
Ali starts the match with Randy Orton as Orton pushes Ali into the corner. Ali with a right had and a side kick by Ali. He jumps off the top rope but Orton pushes him off to the outside.
Back from commercial, Orton is in the ring with Ali. Orton with a bodyslam. He goes for the cover but Ali kicks out. He sends Ali to the ropes but Ali with a drop kick. Orton tags Andrade in and Ali tags Balor into the match. Balor with a right hand followed by a drop kick. Balor knocks Orton off the ring apron. Balor with a chop to the chest of Andrade and Andrade falls to the outside. Balor flies over the top rope onto Andrade and Ali over the top rope onto Orton.
Balor sends Ali into the ring. Balor tries to climb the top rope but Vega distracts him. Andrade drops Balor onto the mat. The double knees to the face by Andrade. He goes for the cover but Balor kicks out. Andrade goes for the Hammerlock DDT but Balor gets out of it and tags Ali in. Balor with the Slingblade and Ali with the 450 splash. Ali goes for the cover and gets the pin.
Winners: Finn Balor and Ali
Randy Orton with an RKO onto Balor after the match. Ali attacks Orton as Orton falls to the outside of the ring.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Smackdown Live! > 2019 > April 30th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Smackdown Live! > 2019 > April 30th

  April 24th, 2019  
  SmackDown Live Results – April 23rd, 2019

Finn Balor vs. Andrade with Zelina Vega
The bell rings and we are under way. Andrade shoves Balor into the corner and starts with the knees to the face. Balor fights back with knees and punches of his own. Balor grabs Andrade but Vega grabs Andrade by the arms. The referee is distracted by Vega as Andrade kicks Balor to the outside.
Back from commercial, Balor with a DDT. Balor is on the ring apron and kicks Andrade down. Balor climbs the top rope but Andrade trips him. A right hand by Andrade onto Balor who is sitting on the top turnbuckle. Andrade climbs the top rope and a hurricanrana but Balor reverses it into a cover. A two count as Andrade kicks out. Andrade runs to Balor and Balor throws him to the outside. Balor flies over the top rope and onto Andrade. He throws Andrade back into the ring. He goes for the sling bladew but Andrade with a back elbow.
Balor is in the corner and Andrade with the double knees. He goes for the cover but Balor kicks out. Andrade goes for the Hammerlock DDT but Balor reverses it taking Andradeo ut. Vega climbs on the top rope and jumps but Balor moves out of the way as Andrade catches her. Andrade puts Vega down as Balor hits Andrade with a drop kick. Balor with the Coup de Grâce. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.
Winner: Finn Balor

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Smackdown Live! > 2019 > April 23rd
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Smackdown Live! > 2019 > April 23rd

  April 17th, 2019  
  SmackDown Live Results – April 16th, 2019

Suddenly, INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION FINN BALOR makes his way to the ring for his first ever match on his new Smackdown brand!
Ali v. Finn Balor, Intercontinental Champion
A few brief exchanges between the two involving rope-running and headlocks lead to Ali sending Balor to the outside with a huracanrana. A kick to Balor’s greets him as he tries to enter the ring through the bottom rope, followed by a suicide dive by Ali.
As we return, Balor has Ali in control sending him corner to corner with running chops. Until his third attempt, where Ali meets him with a kick from the apron and an X-Factor follow-up in the ring. After a failed pin, Balor counters his missed clothesline with a Final Cut. A Sling Blade by Balor is then swiftly met with Superkick by Ali. A count of two is heard, sending Finn to the top turnbuckle for safety. Ali meets him there with a massive Frankensteiner. A cover! Only gets a 2! Ali makes his way to the far-side turnbuckle, 450 incoming! Balor rolls away, Ali lands on his feet! Balor with a dropkick sending Ali to the opposite corner! Coup de Grace! 1… 2.. 3…
Winner: Intercontinental Champion, Finn Balor.
With a show of respect, Balor helps Ali out of the corner, nodding in approval of his competition.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Smackdown Live! > 2019 > April 16th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Smackdown Live! > 2019 > April 16th

  April 16th, 2019  
  Monday Night RAW Results – April 15th, 2019

We go to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Finn Balor. He will face a new RAW Superstar coming to the brand, picked by The McMahon Family.
Andrade vs. Finn Balor
Back from the break and out comes Andrade with Zelina Vega a WWE Intercontinental Champion Finn Balor waits in the ring. Vega and Andrade are now on the red brand.
Vega takes the mic on the ramp and introduces them. She also takes a shot at Balor for being ordinary. She goes on about how Andrade has been extraordinary on the blue brand for the past year. Andrade speaks Spanish as he enters the ring, getting the “What?!” treatment and boos from fans. Balor readies for a fight as Andrade enters the ring running his mouth. The bell rings and they go at it. Andrade drops Balor with an uppercut and whips him in the corner for a kick. Vega cheers him on from ringside. Andrade with running double knees in the corner for a 2 count.
Back and forth as Balor fights for the upperhand now. Balor sends Andrade to the floor and dropkicks him through the ropes. Balor goes to deliver a kick off the apron but Andrade puts Vega in front of him as a shield. Balor puts on the brakes and this leads to Andrade dropping Balor on the floor. Vega and Andrade taunt Balor and stand tall as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Andrade unloads on Balor in the corner. Balor dodges the running knees. Balor beats Andrade down in the corner and kicks him in the face. More back and forth. Andrade goes for the injured knee again as Balor goes for an enziguri with Andrade up top. Andrade brings Balor to the mat but Balor counters and slams him to the mat for a close 2 count. Vega continues to cheer Andrade on. Balor with a Slingblade. Andrade delivers a big kick to the head for a close 2 count. Andrade goes to the top for a moonsault but he has to land on his feet. He follows through with another but Balor gets his knees up. Balor ends up dropping Andrade near the corner. Balor goes up for Coup de Grace but Andrade sweeps his leg.
Andrade runs into a kick in the corner and he goes down. Balor goes to the top for Coup de Grace but Andrade moves out of the way. Andrade with a big back elbow. Balor counters the Hammerlock DDT with a roll up for a 2 count. Balor sends Andrade to the floor. Vega gets on the apron and taunts Balor for boos. Balor runs the ropes anyway and leaps over Vega, taking Andrade down on the floor. Vega ends up taking Balor down with a hurricanrana while the referee isn’t looking. This leads to Andrade hitting the Hammerlock DDT in the middle of the ring for the non-title win.
Winner: Andrade
After the match, Vega enters the ring to pose with Andrade as the music hits and we go to replays. Vega and Andrade celebrate as Balor recovers.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2019 > April 15th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2019 > April 15th


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