
 Monday Night Raw Results – May ...  Monday Night Raw Results – ...  Monday Night Raw Results – ...  Monday Night Raw Results – ...

  May 22nd, 2018  
  Monday Night RAW Results – May 21st, 2018

Stephanie McMahon is talking to Finn Balor and Braun Strowman. She books them in a match against one another. Strowman crushes an apple and says he loves competition.

Braun Strowman vs. Finn Balor

The bell rings, and Strowman smiles. Balor smiles back. Balor forearms him quickly and gets away. Balor goes for the legs, but Strowman swats him away and clubs the back. Strowman then takes Balor down. Strowman clubs the chest and walks around him. Strowman then whips him hard into the corner before taunting the crowd. Strowman shouts that Balor got pinned last week before head-butting him. Balor dropkicks Strowman twice before hitting the ropes, but Strowman viciously takes him down for a two count. Strowman then kicks him in the ribs, sending him out of the ring. Strowman goes outside and throws Balor into the ring. Strowman tells Balor to get up and fight. Strowman then clubs him in the back. Strowman continues to slowly beat Balor down. Balor soon boots him back twice. Balor avoids an avalanche and kicks him in the face. Balor chops the chest, but Strowman no sells it. Strowman head-butts him down. Strowman big boots him and pins him with one foot for a two count. Balor pulls the top rope down to get Strowman out of the ring. Balor goes for his running apron kick, but Strowman blocks it and takes him down. Strowman continues to work him over and says he’s done playing. Balor slaps him in the face, so Strowman swats him down. Strowman runs around the ring for a running shoulder, but Balor counters into a Sling Blade. Balor then runs around the ring and dropkicks Strowman into the crowd. Strowman then gets up behind him in an awesome visual and grabs him. Balor then jumps off the apron with a double stomp. Balor then hits the Coup de Grace off the barricade. Balor gets in the ring and looks for a count-out. Strowman eventually gets in. Strowman then shoulder blocks him down. Strowman lets out a guttural scream before trying for a shoulder, but Balor moves and he (of course) hits the ring post shoulder-first. Balor goes to the top rope, but Strowman grabs him. Balor slides off and charges, but Strowman hits a Running Powerslam. Strowman hits a second Running Powerslam for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Braun Strowman

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > May 21st
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2018 > May 21st

  February 28th, 2018  
  Mixed Match Challenge Results – February 27th, 2018

Asuka & The Miz defeated Sasha Banks & Finn Balor

Miz pinned Finn after reversing a crossface into a cradle. The undefeated streak of Asuka continues as she and Miz advance to the next round in the tournament. Less gaga than in previous tournament matches, there was still plenty of walking and talking early on.

Miz tried to cut a promo after the bell rang to start the match. Finn swooped in to attempt several roll-ups. Though Miz kicked out, an animated Asuka showed concern for her streak. Finn kept out-wrestling Miz, so Asuka made a blind tag. Her and Sasha turned up the intensity.

A hot tag saw Finn run wild on Miz. Asuka jumped in the ring to break up a pinning attempt to save her streak. Miz delivered the Skull Crushing Finale on Finn. Sasha broke up the pin to make a save. That led to Finn jumping off the top rope for the Coup de Grace. Asuka again jumped in to break up the pin.

Heading into the finish, Sasha caught Asuka to apply the Bank Statement. Cutting off Miz, Finn applied a crossface. Asuka countered to trap Sasha in the Asuka Lock. Sasha being in peril distracted Finn, which allowed Miz to cradle Finn for the pinfall.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: WWE Mixed Match Challenge > Live Event Digitals > February 27th, 2018
» FINNishing TOUCH: WWE Mixed Match Challenge > Screen Captures > Episodes > February 27th, 2018

  September 25th, 2017  
  No Mercy Results – September 24th, 2017

The pre-show kicks off with Renee Young welcoming us and introducing the rest of the panel, comprised tonight of David Otunga, Jerry “the King” Lawler, and Sam Roberts. Finn Balor joins the panel from backstage and says he’s never pretended to be something that he’s not. He created the Demon, he controls it, and anyone who faces Bray Wyatt should be hesitant. But he’s proven time and again that he’s an extraordinary man who does extraordinary things, and tonight at No Mercy he’s going to do that one more time.

Bray Wyatt vs. Finn Balor (Man vs. Man Match)
Wyatt blindsides Balor before the bell and puts boots to him! Dumping Finn outside, ramming him into the barricade, putting his face repeatedly into the announce table… ROCK BOTTOM ONTO THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! Choking him on it, and referee Chad Patton finally gets Bray to back off and checks Balor. The referees begin helping Finn to the back and Wyatt gets on the mic.


He tells Los Angeles to look what he just did to their hero, and he bids Balor run away like the little coward he is. He forgot to inform him that the man he was set to face wasn’t a man at all, but a god. He orders Finn to look at him and tells him he isn’t a Demon, he’s not a man, he’s a coward. Balor takes his jacket off and, clutching his ribs in pain, hustles back to the ring!


We have a bell and Finn is throwing hands! Sister Abigail denied, he passes Bray outside and nails him with a dropkick that sends him into the barricade! Shotgun dropkick into another section of barricade, back inside but Wyatt cuts him off in the turnbuckles for a punch and a headbutt before landing a superplex that aggravates the rib injury but Balor refuses to let it put him away!


Headbutt to the ribs, Bray struts like Akeem the African Dream before taking things to the apron. He… licks his finger and rubs his shirt over his nipple? Weird. Anyway, struggle on the apron and Wyatt drops Finn with a clubbing blow to the back that puts his shoulder into the apron! Back in the ring, cravate applied, Balor fights out with a jawbreaker and Bray shoves him into the corner.


Finn picking up steam, running Wyatt over, chop in the corner, whip reversed, up and over, Wyatt lands a superkick! Outside again but Balor traps him in the ring skirt and clubs away at him! Up on the apron, shifting to stomps, Penalty Kick off the apron! Finn draws Bray up and smashes his face into the announce table a bit before throwing him back in the ring.


Balor up top, Wyatt does the spider walk and stops him dead in his tracks for a moment but Balor gets fired up! Nobody home on the stomp but he rolls through and hits the Sling Blade! Running into a boot, Bray gets the big Rock Bottom off, running senton, only good for two! Disdainful kicks and slaps from the Eater of Worlds, he puts Finn off the ropes but gets caught into a strike exchange.


Pele kick connects, Sister Abigail denied, standing double stomp gets Balor another nearfall! Hesitation dropkick, Finn climbs and again Wyatt cuts him off, thinking about another superplex but Balor clubs at him until he falls to the mat. Perched, double stomp to the back of the neck… NOT ENOUGH! Inverted facelock, Bray reverses, Finn floats out but runs right into a lariat!


Wyatt taking a breather, trying to figure out what he needs to do for a win here, settling on that wicked release suplex of his. Another one, Balor on the back foot, Bray deciding to climb but Finn cuts him off up top with a gamengiri! Wyatt shoves him away, Balor in with the shotgun dropkick, getting himself fired up, he hits another and climbs…


Finn Balor wins by pinfall with the Coup de Grace.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Pay-Per-View > 2017 > No Mercy
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Pay-Per-View > 2017 > No Mercy

  August 29th, 2017  
  Monday Night RAW Results – August 28th, 2017

The show opens with Miz, Maryse, and the Miztourage of Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel in the ring.


Miz begins to speak and is immediately cut off by Raw GM Kurt Angle making his entrance. He thinks he knows what Miz is going to say, and his perception is that the status of the Intercontinental Championship has been diminished. It wasn’t defended at SummerSlam, but it will be at No Mercy, and his opponent–


The A-Lister cuts him off and continues where he left off, defining “respect” according to the dictionary and telling Kurt that he doesn’t understand what respect means. Understand that it’s a disrespect to him when he comes out and interrupts what he has to say, and a disrespect to the Intercontinental Championship.


Angle says he’s here to give the title the showcase it does deserve, and next week he’ll defend the title against the winner of a #1 contender’s battle royal that’s going to start right now!


Big Show’s in it, totally clean-shaven and terrifying. The Hardy Boyz come down, they’re in it as well. Finn Balor, too. The match will begin after the break.


15-Man WWE United States Championship #1 Contender’s Battle Royal


Curt Hawkins poses and immediately gets dumped by literally everyone else in the match. They then turn to Big Show, who’s game for them to try and proceeds to throw everybody off like the giant he is. The match breaks down into normal battle royal action from there, the Miztourage dumping Kalisto, Finn working the Drifter over in the corner as the Club and the Hardyz clash.


Show caving everybody’s chests in with overhand chops but Karl Anderson is looking to put him to sleep. The giant shrugs him off but Luke Gallows and Finn Balor assist him in dumping Big outside and eliminating him! The Club riding high together, baby! Elias and Balor into it with each other again, Matt Hardy looking to dump Jeff Hardy at the same time as the Miztourage dump R-Truth and eliminate him!


Goldust nearly eliminates Jordan, Axel and Dallas have Balor of the ropes and the Drifter comes to help but Balor stays in there. Again Elias goes after Finn but Goldust of all people makes the save and drops him with a snap scoop powerslam. Anderson with the inverted Gun Stun, Big Hoot with the slicing right and a low bridge eliminates Goldust to send us to break.


Back from commercial, the battle royal rages on,Jordan trying to eliminate the Drifter while the Hardyz and the Club fight it out and the Miztourage tries to dump Finn. Gallows blocks a Twist of Fate but gets low bridged and eliminated! Anderson thinks he’s got Matt dumped but Hardy lands on the apron and pulls him out with him!


Slugging it out on the apron, Twist of Fate denied but Matt puts Anderson into the ringpost and eliminates him! Luke eliminates Matt in return and the Club put the boots to him. With the referees distracted, Miz saves Bo! The Miztourage in it with Jason, Finn heads to the apron for a moment to clock Axel, picking up a head of steam before taking it to Elias and nearly eliminating him with a gamengiri!


Balor taking all comers, shotgun dropkick on Bo, Sling Blade on Jordan, a face off with Jeff Hardy but he starts rolling in return, Manhattan Drop to the basement dropkick, Twist of Fate denied and Finn plants him with a Sling Blade! Shotgun dropkick puts Dallas in the corner, one for Brother Nero as well–


(Wyatt noise.)


Bray Wyatt eliminates Finn Balor!


(Wyatt noise.)


Miztourage arebeating on Jordan but he stacks ’em up for a shoulder block, overhead belly-to-belly suplexes for the Drifter and Jeff! Miztourage double team him but he evades them and dumps both of them! He dumps Elias too! Jeff comes from behind…


Jeff Hardy wins, last eliminating Jason Jordan over the top rope and becoming #1 contender to the WWE Intercontinental Championship.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2017 > August 28th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2017 > August 28th

  July 25th, 2017  
  Monday Night RAW Results – July 24th, 2017

No DQ Match: Finn Balor vs. Elias Samson


Back from the break and JoJo introduces Elias Samson, who is in the ring with a spotlight and a guitar. Fans start chanting for Finn Balor. Samson dedicates this song to Finn and starts singing. The music eventually interrupts and out comes Balor to a pop.

The bell rings and they go at it. Balor strikes and dropkicks Samson back to the floor as they fight back around the ring. Balor runs around the ring and drops Samson against the barrier for a pop. We go to commercial with Balor standing tall on the floor.

Back from the break and Balor charges Samson into the barrier again. Balor keeps control and brings it back into the ring. Samson misses a clothesline but connects with the next attempt and Balor goes down. Samson goes to work on Balor’s shoulder now, which is wrapped in Kinesio tape. Balor looks to fight back but Samson nails a left and drops a knee. Samson asks who wants to walk with Elias as we get a replay. Samson drags Balor to the corner and wraps his arm around the ring post a few times.

Samson grabs a steel chair and brings it into the ring. Balor with a forearm. Samson drops the chair. Balor rocks Samson but Samson grabs him. Balor with double boots to the face. Samson with a thrust in the corner now. Samson with another shot to the injured shoulder. Samson keeps Balor grounded by the shoulder as fans chant Finn’s name.

Balor makes another comeback and beats Samson down in the corner for a pop. Balor brings a chair into the ring now. Samson kicks him and Balor drops the chair. Samson picks the chair up and smacks Balor over the back with it. Balor rolls to the floor in pain and Samson stands tall in the ring as fans boo. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Samson sends Balor to the floor. Samson follows and puts Balor’s shoulder into the barrier. Back in the ring and Samson hits a shoulder breaker for a 2 count. Samson wedges a steel chair between the turnbuckles in the corner now. Samson tries to send Balor into the chair but Balor counters and puts Samson head-first into the chair.

Balor fights back and drops Samson with the overhead kick. Balor runs into a boot in the corner. Samson tosses Balor to the floor and follows but Balor traps him in the apron cover and works him over. Balor keeps Samson trapped in the cover as the assault continues. Samson drops and disappears under the ring for just a second. He comes back out and Balor delivers a kick from the apron. Balor runs and nails a big dropkick, sending Samson back into the barrier.

Finn brings a steel chair back into the ring as Samson is slow to recover. Balor with several chair shots over the back as fans pop. Balor goes on and dropkicks Samson back into the turnbuckles. Balor goes up top and hits Coup de Grace. The graphics flash and the lights go out. The lights come back on and Bray Wyatt drops Balor with a Sister Abigail in the middle of the ring. Wyatt goes to the corner and turns upside down. Samson crawls over and places his arm over Balor for the pin.

Winner: Elias Samson

– After the bell, Wyatt is still turned upside down in the corner as we go to replays. We come back and the arena is lit up by fireflies now. Wyatt does the spider walk over to Balor and drops down next to him for a few words. Wyatt poses over Balor to end the segment.

Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2017 > July 24th
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2017 > July 24th
» Video Link

  August 23rd, 2016  
  Monday Night Raw Results – August 22nd, 2016

Michael Cole announces that Finn Balor suffered a shoulder injury against Seth Rollins and we see when Finn got injured during the running power bomb into the ringside barrier. Michael mentioned that Finn appeared on Good Morning America and he had an MRI that revealed a torn labrum. He will be out six months. Byron mentions that Mick Foley announced that Finn Balor would relinquish the Universal Title.


Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon are in the ring. Mick brings out Finn Balor.


Finn says this championship represents a lifetime of sacrifice. It also represents that if you believe in yourself you can achieve anything. Last night, he achieved the impossible. He became the Universal Champion. There was a sacrifice. Finn says he wants to thank the WWE for this opportunity. He says he wants to thank the talent in the back. He says he wants to thank Seth Rollins for giving him the match of his life. Finn says he wants to thank all of you.


Finn says he has to relinquish this title, but rest assured when he is ready to come back, this title is the first thing he is coming for.


Related Links, Photos & More:
» FINNishing TOUCH: World Wrestling Entertainment > Live Event Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2016 > August 22nd
» FINNishing TOUCH: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2016 > August 22nd


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